The U.S. wanted the "Open Door" policy in China to keep which area from gaining too much control?Europe



What conflict was an example of European/Western intrusion in China before the Boxer Rebellion?

Opium Wars

Taiping Rebellion

Russo-Japanese War


Answer 1

The Open Door policy was one United States policy from 1899 that aimed keeping equal rights for countries trading with China. The area which U.S. wanted to keep from gaining too much control was Europe. That since the Opium War was exploring and keeping privileged trades in China.

The conflict example of European/Western intrusion in China before the Boxer Rebellion is Opium Wars. The Boxer Rebellion occurred around 1900, the Opium Wars was between Western Countries and Qing Dynasty, the Western fought for territory and commercial control of China and won the war creating an equal state of trading for European Countries during 1800.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The U.S. Open Door Policy aimed to keep Japan from dominating in China. Additionally, the Opium Wars stand as an example of Western intrusion in China preceding the Boxer Rebellion.


The U.S.'s Open Door Policy in China was established to prevent Japan from gaining too much control in the region. Introduced by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899, the policy aimed to ensure that all nations could have equal access to trade in China, without any single country holding a monopoly.

Before the Boxer Rebellion, a key example of Western intrusion in China was the Opium Wars. These were two wars fought between China and Western powers (primarily Britain and France), largely over the trade of opium. These conflicts significantly weakened China and allowed for further international influence in the country, setting the stage for the Open Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion.

Learn more about U.S. Open Door Policy and Opium Wars here:


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B. The stamp act
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B. The Stamp Act

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Compare:  Both measures dealt with the representation of states in Congress.  Both of these compromises were devised during the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Contrast:  The Great Compromise was about small states vs. large states.  The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved a difference between slave states and non-slave states.


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  • The Three-Fifths Compromise was a way of accounting (somewhat) for the population of slaves in states that permitted slavery.  For taxation and representation purposes, the question was whether slaves should count in the population figures.  (They were not considered voting citizens at that time.)   The Three-Fifths Compromise said that three out of every five slaves could be counted when determining a state's population size for determining how many seats that state would receive in the House of Representatives.

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They were two of the richest, most powerful men in America during the Gilded Age.

Answer: They were two of the richest, most powerful men in America during the Gilded Age

Explanation: We think with our heads don't we I used mine's to learn something . U should too for a life time.