Cardiorespiratory fitness improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems in delivering oxygen to the body.


Answer 1

True.  This also helps you to take in oxygen in your muscles to produce adenosine triphosphate energy through cellular respiration.  It turns the stored the food you consume into adenosine triphosphate energy that your muscles use for exercise as well as other activities.

Answer 2

Fitness like cardiovascular fitness play crucial role to keep an individual healthy and improves its quality of life.

Further Explanation:

Six parts of the body determines the health related physical fitness. They are:

1. Body composition

2. Cardiorespiratory endurance

3. Flexibility

4. Muscular endurance

5. Power

6. Strength

These six parts contribute to health related fitness because they can reduce the risk of chronic disease and promotes wellness and good health. Cardiorespiratory involves the heart and the lungs.

The heart is responsible for pumping the blood which carries the oxygen throughout the body and deoxygenated blood is transported to the lungs for purification purpose.

If the cardiovascular fitness is poor then this may lead to cardiovascular disease which may affect the patients to such extent that they may cause death of the person. The cardiovascular disease may be prevented by performing exercise and yoga.

Cardiovascular fitness can also be improved by taking an apt nutritional diet. Soy protein has been observed to be also regulates the blood pressure.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about heart

2. Learn more about blood

3. Learn more about bloodstream

Answer Details:

Grade: College Biology

Subject: Health

Chapter: Fitness


Fitness, body, physical fitness, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, power, strength, chronic disease, health, heart, lungs, oxygen, exercise, yoga, blood pressure.

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hope this helps

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Hey there! 

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