we can always convert a decimal to a fraction, by simply adding as many zeros at the bottom as there are deciamals, and lose the dot atop.
so with that mouthful, let's convert 0.000002 to a fraction. It has 6 decimals, so we'll use 6 zeros.
8^2y+4 = 16^y+1
y = -4
Step-by-step explanation:
Assuming the problem is , it would be nice if we could convert both sides of this equation to the same base; that way, we could compare the exponents directly in an equation of their own. Fortunately, 8 and 16 are both powers of 2 --
, we can rewrite the original equation by substituting those in:
When you have an exponent raised to another exponent, you multiply those exponents together, so we can simplify our equation by distributing a 3 in the left exponent and a 4 in the right:
With both of our bases the same, we can now simply compare their exponents directly to solve for y: