The Shakespearean sonnet contains all of the following except a


Answer 1
Answer: it contains all of them except the volta 

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Julius Caesar was assassinated because he did not want to share power, but have it all to himself

Read the excerpt from an interview.Reporter: I’m standing here today with Dr. Kira Klein, director of the International Foundation for the Study of Viruses. Dr. Klein, what do you think of the recent report from the Center for Disease Control on the likelihood of a flu epidemic?

Dr. Klein: With so many new flu viruses popping up each year, and with the prevalence of international travel, I have to agree that an international flu epidemic is a real possibility.

For which fictionalized story would this passage be most appropriate as source material?

a story about a spunky young woman who decides to become a doctor
a story about a doctor who tracks and treats the outbreak of a virus
a story about a reporter who decides to become a doctor after an interview
a story about a young man who catches a virus and visits his doctor


The second option, “a story about a doctor who tracks and treats the outbreak of a virus” is the most appropriate choice. That is because among all the four choices provided, it is the only possible ending or the only possible scenario that could succeed the story. The rest of the choices are very unlikely to happen.

The passage would be most appropriate as source material for a story about a doctor who tracks and treats the outbreak of a virus, expressed in option B.

What is source material?

Source material, when it comes to literature, refers to publications that serve as the base for another publication. For example, if you read a piece of news and decide to write an essay about it, that piece of news is your source material.

The passage we are analzying here could become the source material for a story about a doctor who tracks and treats the outbreak of a virus. The reason for that is the fact that the passage focuses on the doctor's knowledge of a possible epidemic.

Learn more about source material here:


In the opening of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson introduces what distinctly American political thought?


The part that represents the most distinctly American political thought is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These unalienable rights have been since the declaration of independence been mentioned numerous times, and will continue to be mentioned as it is the most important aspect of American ideology.

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war-seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came." What theme is presented in this passage from President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address?
One side did not want war
Both sides wanted war
Lincoln’s speech caused war
War was unwanted, but unavoidable


Answer: War was unwanted, but unavoidable.

In this excerpt, President Lincoln states that the war was unwanted, but unavoidable. The South did not want war, but they refused to let the Union survive. On the other hand, the North did not want war, but refused to let the Union perish. Even though neither side wanted it, the war became inevitable.

"War was unwanted but unavoidable" the reason for this is because they side one part wanted war not matter the consequences and the other wanted their nation to survive so they had to go to war so the other country would not destroy their country... :P

Metacognition refers to


Metacognition is defined as"thinking about thinking” or can be “knowing about knowing”.  It higher pertains to high order thinkingallowing control and engagement in cognitive tasks and learning. It consents peopleto activities like organization, approaching a task, observing understandingand evaluation of progress on tasks. Some of this includes declarativeknowledge – the ability to know one's abilities, procedural knowledge conditionalknowledge by the usage of approaches in acquiring info.

Final answer:

Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.


Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.

For example, a student using metacognition might ask themselves questions like 'Do I understand this concept?' or 'Am I studying effectively?'. By reflecting on their own thinking, students can identify areas where they might need to seek additional help or adjust their study strategies.

Metacognitive strategies can be useful across all subjects and grade levels as they help improve learning and critical thinking skills. By using metacognition, students can become more independent learners and better at evaluating their own progress and understanding.

Learn more about Metacognition here:


Which of the words in the following sentence is a coordinating conjunction?Plan ahead, for you never know what problems will arise.







The word that is a coordinating conjunction is "for".


A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects other words, clauses, or sentences that have the same syntactic importance. The conjunctions are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

In "Plan ahead, for you never know what problems will arise", we have two independent clauses. Independent clauses are capable of expressing full ideas without the help of other clauses. In this case, they were connected by the coordinating conjunction "for" so that the second clause expresses the reason for the first one. The reason why you should plan ahead is that fact that you never know what problems will arise.

A.) For
Remember (F.A.N.B.O.Y.S) For, and, nor, but,or, yet, so