The easiest way to compare fractions is by having a common denominator for both fractions.
This is because, when the denominator is the same in both fractions, we will simply compare the numerators and the greater fraction will be the one having greater numerator
Part 1:
The first given fraction is
The second given fraction is
We can make the denominator in the second one equal to 12 by multiplying it by 4.
However, to preserve the value of the fraction, we will multiply it by
This will give us:
* =
Now, the two fractions became and
The denominator is the same, so we will compare numerators.
Since 7 is greater than 4, therefore:
is the greater fraction
Part 2:
The first given fraction is
The second given fraction is
We can make the denominator in the second one equal to 12 by multiplying it by 4.
However, to preserve the value of the fraction, we will multiply it by
This will give us:
* =
Now, the two fractions became and
The denominator is the same, so we will compare numerators.
Since 8 is greater than 7, therefore:
is the greater fraction
Hope this helps :)
Answer: The required percentage is 28.57%.
Step-by-step explanation: Given that at an animal shelter, there are 15 dogs, 12 cats, 3 snakes, and 5 parakeets.
We are to find the percentage by which parakeets are less than dogs.
From the given information, the number of dogs is
the number of parakeets is
And, the total number of animals is
So, the difference of the number of dogs and parakeets is
Therefore, the percentage by which parakeets are less than dogs is
Thus, the required percentage is 28.57%.
What is the measure of the smallest angle?
A.) 13 degrees
B.) 27 degrees
C.) 36 degrees
D.) 117 degrees
please show how to solve this I GIVE THANKS!!!