The following are the program in the Java Programming Language.
//define a function
public void dashedLine (int x)
//check the variable 'a' is greater than 0
if (x>0)
//declare integer data type variable
int i;
//set the for loop that iterates from 1 to variable 'a'
for (i=1;i<=x;i=i+1)
//print the following dashes
//for empty space
The following are the description of the program.
Copyright is a legal intellectual property right, exclusively assigned to originator of a creative work - for its publish, performance, recording etc, for a fixed period of time. The creative work can be used by any other person or party, by permission of copyright owner only.
So : As per US copyright laws, Jean's copyright ends in 1988 .Until then, if other people use parts of Jean's book in their work, then they need to obtain permission from Jean
32 inches
Wall oven manufacturers recommend that you place your oven 32 inches above the floor. This placement, however, is for convenience rather than safety. This placement allows you to lift food in and out of your oven safely.
3.How does kinetic energy affect the stopping distance of a small vehicle compared to a large vehicle?
4.Keeping in mind the kinetic energy of a moving vehicle, how can a driver best prepare to enter sharp curves in the roadway?
5.Using information about natural laws, explain why some car crashes produce minor injuries and others produce catastrophic injuries.