Creating a budget is a wonderful method to keep track of your expenditures and organise your finances. First, you should determine your net income. The next step is to compile a list of your monthly expenses. Make a list of your monthly expenses and indicate if each one is fixed or variable. Rent expenses are examples of fixed expenses which cannot be avoided, whereas restaurant and pub bills are an example of variable expenseswhich can be avoided. Next, make a list of your monthly spending for each expense. The last and final step is to compare your net income to your monthly expenses. You'll need to make adjustments if you find that your expenses are greater than your income.
A budget is a plan that helps to make sure that one does not run out of money by ensuring a proper estimation of income and expenditures.
Income is money that an individual or business receives in exchange for either providing labor or producing a good or service.
Learn more about budget here
b. Glittering generalities
c. Plain folks
d. Testimonial
The propaganda technique being used to convince you that the station is the best is a testimonial.
Propaganda is the spreading of information, facts, arguments, rumors, or lies to influence public opinion.
A testimonial or show in promotion and advertising is a person's written or spoken statement extolling the virtues of a product. The term "testimonial" refers to sales pitches given by ordinary people, whereas the term "endorsement" refers to pitches given by celebrities. Testimonials can be used in collaborative marketing.
Therefore, Option (d) is correct.
Learn more about Propaganda, here;
c. prepared
b. serious
d. confident
This story is about a boy named Tim who habitually takes shortcuts. One day, he decides to take a shortcut across a frozen lake, despite warnings from his friends, and falls through the ice. This dangerous incident teaches him a valuable lesson about the potential dangers of taking shortcuts.
Let's illustrate the saying 'shortcuts are dangerous' with a story. Suppose there's a young boy named Tim who loves taking shortcuts in every aspect of life, whether it was the quickest way home from school, or finding the easiest method to solve his math homework. One day, Tim decided to take a shortcut across a frozen lake on his way home from school, instead of taking the longer path round the lake. Despite his friends' warnings, he believed he knew best, and bravely embarked on his journey. Halfway across, the ice started cracking under Tim's feet, and he fell into the freezing water. Thankfully, his friends were there to alert the nearby adults who managed to pull Tim out. From that day on, Tim learned that taking shortcuts can indeed be dangerous and it's sometimes better to put in the time and effort to ensure safety and accuracy.
are two things he wouldn't forget going forward.
The lesson?
It is often much safer to take the conventional route rather than risky shortcuts.
A) a definition
B) a comparison or contrast
C) an example
b. Our small crowd of protesters was now an angry mob.
c. The small crowd of protesters had turned into an angry mob.
d. Your small crowd of protesters has now become an angry mob.
the answer is c. The small crowd of protesters had turned into an angry mob.