The pH of normal rainwater is


Answer 1
Answer: The pH of normal rainwater is 5.6. It's slightly acidic
Answer 2
Answer: it is 5.6    that  is  the   hp  for   rainwater

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It could be because something much larger that we have yet to discover is pulling objects to it like a black hole of something else that we can't see with the human eye.

Final answer:

An appropriate hypothesis explaining the observation of distant galaxies moving away from each other, and that they do so more rapidly the further they are can be found in the Big Bang Theory. This theory suggests our universe began with a 'big bang' causing galaxies to move away from each other, a process which continues today.


Based on the observations mentioned, an appropriate hypothesis might involve the Big Bang Theory. This theory in physics and astronomy assumes that our universe started from a singularity - a very high-density and high-temperature state. The Big Bang Theory suggests that after the initial explosion, the galaxies began moving away from each other, a process which continues till today.

The farther a galaxy is from us, the faster it's receding, which is known as Hubble's Law. This observed phenomenon matches with the theory's premise, providing validating evidence for the Big Bang.

Learn more about Big Bang Theory here:


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Answer: In metallic bonding, valence electrons can move freely between atoms


when metals bond to one another, their outermost energy levels overlap. this allows valence electrons to move freely between atoms in what is sometimes called a “sea of electrons

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Joseph John Thomson studied the properties and the effects of the cathodic rays. Thomson's experiments involved the passage of electricity through a high-vacuum cathode-ray tube composed by a positive electrode (anode) and a negatively charged cathode. This experiment was crucial to describe the nature of the electric discharge.


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What will happen as an object receives energy due to heat flow? The molecules will move faster. The molecules will move more slowly.


The correct answer is the first option. If an object receives energy from heat flow, the molecules of that object will move faster because temperature and kinetic energy is directly proportional. As the heat is added, the temperature increases therefore increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules resulting to a faster motion.

The molecules will move faster

What weighs more? 1 mol of Gold, or 1 mol of Lead. A. You cannot determine the answer to this question from this information alone B. They both weigh the exact same amount C. 1 mol of Gold D. 1 mol of Lead


b, they both weigh the exact same. they’re both 1 mol

Final answer:

1 mol of Lead weighs more than 1 mol of Gold because lead has a higher atomic mass (207.2 g/mol) compared to gold's atomic mass (197.0 g/mol). Option D. is correct.


Consider the atomic masses of both gold and lead, as the question involves comparing a mole of each. Importantly, the molar mass of any substance is numerically equivalent to its atomic weight in Atomic Mass Units (amu). The atomic mass of gold is approximately 197.0 amu while lead has an atomic mass of around 207.2 amu.

Therefore, a 1 mol of Lead (207.2 g) would weigh more than 1 mol of Gold (197.0 g).

Learn more about Molar Mass here:
