Which of the following are accurate descriptions of Greenwood before the Tulsa Race Riots? Select all that apply. It was an economically prosperous black community.
The population consisted of close to 1,500,000 people.
The community consisted of large homes and various businesses.
It was nicknamed “the black Wall Street of America.”
It was recognized for its decreasing financial stability.


Answer 1

Final answer:

Before the Tulsa Race Riots, Greenwood was a prosperous African-American community, often termed as 'the Black Wall Street of America', with large homes and various businesses. The population was approximately 10,000, not 1,500,000, and it was economically thriving.


Greenwood, before the Tulsa Race Riots, was an exceptionally prosperous African-American community. Often referred to as

'the Black Wall Street of America'

, it was a region of significant economic prosperity and wealth for the Black community in Oklahoma. The community consisted of

large homes and diverse businesses

, contributing to its affluent state. However, Greenwood's population was actually around 10,000, not 1,500,000. The claim of Greenwood being recognized for its decreasing financial stability is also incorrect as the community was indeed thriving financially prior to the Riots.

Learn more about Greenwood before Tulsa Race Riots here:



Answer 2

Final answer:

Before the Tulsa Race Riots, Greenwood was a prosperous black community, home to various businesses and large homes, and was nicknamed the black Wall Street of America. The population, however, was considerably smaller than 1,500,000.


Before the Tulsa Race Riots, Greenwood was known for being an economically prosperous black community which earned it the nickname “the black Wall Street of America”. It housed various businesses and large homes, indicating economic stability and growth. Contrary to the option stating that it was recognized for its decreasing financial stability, Greenwood was notably affluent and economically thriving. However, the population in Greenwood wasn't near 1,500,000 as suggested. It was significantly smaller. Therefore, the accurate descriptions would be that Greenwood was an economically prosperous black community, consisting of large homes and businesses, and it was nicknamed the black Wall Street of America.

Learn more about Greenwood before the Tulsa Race Riots here:



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John Adams.


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