When a government fails to protect the unalienable rights of its citizens, it is the duty and right of citizens to create another form of government. This statement is the Declaration of Independence’s


Answer 1
Answer: Yes, that's true. Thomas Jefferson said that directly. He believed that laws should be redone to do with the times every presidency. Which is somewhat unprobable and very unstable.

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The role of a person right and responsibilities when executing freedom of expression during the verbal interpersonal conflict. The person has the right t o remain silent and hear the words spoken by his/her opponent and vice versa. They should respect each others’ right to speak out and listen to every word they say.

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b. To praise the royal family
c. So additional decorating for banquets was not necessary


The primary reason why scenes from celebrations and contests were painted on palace walls was "b. To praise the royal family" since most of these scenes showed the massive amounts of wealth and privilege of these families. 

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The sentence that is an example of a problem and solution structure is: The cafeteria has been serving stale food for months. The school administration must put a concrete deadline on when a cafeteria food is no longer considered fresh. The first sentence indicates the problem; whereas, the second sentence gives the solution to the problem.

How does the character of eurylochus serve as a foil to Odysseus in book 10??


Eurylochus serves as a foil for Odysseus’ character becausehe is a coward whereas Odysseus is brave. This is bests seen when he lands in Circe’s island.  He takes charge of half the crew toinvestigate the island while Odysseus and the others stay on the boat.  When he suspects that there is danger, hestays behind and lets the others explore the island where the meet Circe whoturns them into pigs.  Eventually the menare saved by Odysseus with the help of Hermes.

Final answer:

Eurylochus serves as a foil to Odysseus in Book 10 of the Odyssey by contrasting Odysseus's bravery and leadership with his own fear and caution. This difference in character traits emphasizes Odysseus's heroic qualities.


In Homer's Odyssey, the character of Eurylochus serves as a foil to Odysseus in Book 10 by representing the opposite qualities. Whereas Odysseus is characterized as brave, strategic, and loyal to his men, Eurylochus is often depicted as more fearful, cautious, and somewhat insubordinate. For instance, when Odysseus decides to visit the witch-goddess Circe's house, Eurylochus persuades the rest of the crew to stay behind due to fear. This action directly contrasts with Odysseus's courageous nature. Thus, Eurylochus's character accentuates Odysseus' heroic qualities and decision-making abilities, highlighting the stark differences in their leadership styles and reinforcing Odysseus's role as the epic's hero.

Learn more about Odyssey character comparison here:



What does Vivien plan to do when she leaves Guenevere’s home in King Arthur's Socks: A Comedy in One Act?


I guess she wanted to get to the Lancelot's room sneaky using the key she has got. And she put on the socks as she wanted to look not so ladylike. But it's still not clear for me.

Answer: (Edge)

Abandon her pride and cry to Lancelot


I got 100% on the quiz.

How is a motif different from a theme


A motif is a decorative design or pattern. A theme is the main idea of something.  
A motif is something symbolic that shows up in a work to reinforce the works main theme