Accepting bank credit cards can decrease the expense of collecting accounts receivable by simplifying transactions and reducing the resources a business has to allocate to debt collection. The use of credit cards, debit cards, and smart cards does not affect the overall money supply in the economy or significantly influence capital expenditures or equity financing.
Accepting bank credit cards can be a strategy to decrease the expense of collecting accounts receivable. Unlike accounts payable, which is money owed by a company, accounts receivable is money owed to the company. When customers purchase goods or services on credit, businesses generally need to undertake certain actions to collect the payments, which might include sending invoices, reminders, and sometimes employing collection agencies. If customers pay using their credit card, the bank or credit card company facilitates the transaction, reducing the resources that the business has to allocate for the collection of this debt.
Credit cards, debit cards, and smart cards are instruments that consumers use to simplify transactions, which subsequently facilitates easier cash flow for businesses. However, the use of these types of payment methods does not affect the overall money supply in the economy or significantly influence capital expenditures or equity financing.
b. how well a company is using debt versus equity position
c. a company's ability to earn profit
d. a company's ability to meet payable obligations
B. The Leontief paradox
C. A positive-sum game
D. Samuelson's critique
E. A first-mover advantage
The correct answer is letter "B": The Leontief paradox.
The Leontief paradox is the result of a research made by German economist Wassily Leontief (1906-1999) in the 1950s after which he observed that countries with large capital such as the U.S. were importing more capital-intensive products and exporting more labor-intensive goods.
The Leontief paradox opposed the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem that stated large capital countries tend to export products they manufacture efficiently and import those they are not good at producing.
Opt out
Conventionally, CONSENT is when one person or individual(s) voluntarily agrees to the proposal of another person or individual(s).
There are four types of Consent, namely;
(1). Implied consent: this is a type of consent inferred from someone's actions.
(2). Informed consent: this is a consent given by an individual who has understanding of the consequences of an action.
(3). Unanimous consent: consent given by a group of people.
(4). Expressed consent.
The OPT OUT model is an example of INFORMED CONSENT.
"The OPT OUT model of informed consent permits the company to collect personal information until the customer specifically requests that the data not be collected."
Under certain circumstances, an opt-out policy model allows consumers to know that they have the opportunity and right to opt out of elements of your app or website, as well as a clear and easy-to-follow opt-out method, is required by law.
Many organizations choose to include in their privacy policy agreements the opt-out clause required.