Explain why each mineral has its own properties, different from every other mineral


Answer 1
Answer: Each mineral has its own properties different from other minerals because minerals are made up of different elements. Different elements which can be found on the periodic table all have unique properties, therefore, gold will have distinct properties in comparison with zinc or aluminium for example because they are made up of different elements :))))
I hope this is helpful
have a nice day

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How does a magnet separate mixtures?


It can only do that when  one of the components of the mixture is a magnetic

When you have that situation, you pass the magnet over the mixture ... shaking
the mixture if it's a dry mixture of powders or pieces ... and the magnetic part of
the mixture moves toward the magnet, while the nonmagnetic parts of the mixture
couldn't care less about the magnet and they just stay where they are.
It will separate when one of the elements found in the mixture is magnetic. This process can't be done in a compound as a compound is chemically bonded!

How many lithium atoms are in 4.5 moles of Li?


Mwahaha, the sciences, my domain...

The solution to this problem is actually very, very simple.

To find the number of atoms in a given number of moles, we simply multiply by Avogadro's constant.

The value of Avogadro's constant is 6.022 x 10²³

Number of Li atoms = moles x Avogadro's constant

Number of Li atoms = 4.5 x 6.022 x 10²³

Number of Li atoms = 2.7099 x 10²⁴

Number of Li atoms = 2.71 x 10^(24)

An ice cube is placed in a plastic cup on the lab table. Students record the mass of the ice cube and the plastic cup as 5 grams. One hour later the ice cube completely melts, turning into liquid water. Then, the students record the mass of the water and the cup. What is the mass of the water and plastic cup?


The answer is still 5 grams because mass can not be changed or destroyed.

Final answer:

The mass of the system consisting of the ice cube and the plastic cup will remain 5 grams even after the ice completely melts. This is because of the Conservation of Mass principle, which states that mass is not lost during a phase change.


The principle operating in this scenario is called the Conservation of Mass. In this specific context, this principle means that the mass of an object or a system of objects will remain the same regardless of the changes it may undergo, as long as no mass enters or leaves the system. In the case of an ice cube melting, although the physical state (phase) of the water changes from solid (ice) to liquid (water), its mass does not change.

So when an ice cube that weighs 5 grams (along with the cup) melts, it turns into an equivalent mass of liquid water. That means even after the ice has completely melted into water, the mass of the water and the plastic cup will still be 5 grams.

This is because during the phase change, only the state of the matter is altered (from solid to liquid), not its mass. The water molecules in the ice rearrange themselves and move apart during melting allowing the ice to become liquid water, but the number of molecules and thus the mass stays the same.

Learn more about Conservation of Mass here:



What skills and tools do scientists use?



Scientist use the scientific method to test theories.


Final answer:

Scientists use a range of skills, primarily the scientific method, and tools, such as various lab equipment and technology, to conduct their research.


Scientists use a variety of skills and tools to conduct their research and investigations. The primary skill they possess is the scientific method, a systematic way of understanding the world around us, which involves observation, question formulation, hypothesis testing, data collection, data analysis and conclusion drawing.

As for tools, scientists use a range of laboratory equipment like microscopes and pipettes for biological research, telescopes for astronomical studies, spectrophotometers for chemical analysis, computers for data analysis, and more. Technology is greatly used in science as it aids in thorough and precise investigations.

Learn more about Scientific skills and tools here:



So, there's this really cute guy. He laughs a moderate amount around me, and I think we click really well. He teaches me when I need teaching, and he makes me laugh. When we talk, I try to do my best to look nice or something, and my heart beats faster than usual. But, when I think about taking a bullet for him, I don't really think I could take it that far. Is this just a passing fling? Or could it turn into something... I don't know, REAL?


Love is a powerful thing i advice you not to put your all in him take it slow a be careful

you two may go into a relationship. Taking a bullet would be if your strongly in love with someone. engaged marriage kind of love in my opinion. This could also just be a crush and maybe one day your not interested in this guy anymore and/or didnt end up going in a relationship. Good luck if things work with this guy or not :)

-Wolfs c:

What are characteristics of a good scientific investigation


The characteristics are

Hypothesis and observation

I hope that's help:0