b. Coercions
c. Pleadings
d. Counterclaim
to preserve the past
to make society more equal
The correct answer is the following: Option C. The goal of a command economic system is to make society more equal. A command economic is a system in which the government is the one to determine what goods are produced, how many of them should be produced and the price of them, actions that normally are done by the free market. The command economic system is usually found in communist governments, which have the main goal of making society more equal.
This is because they believed that they were superior to whatever culture was living there already, and also, normally what people thought of the Europeans was as if they were gods, so that added to the domination.
The possible advices one can give to social networking are (1) talk things out, (2) listen to the side of the other, (3) be open-minded, (4) when explaining, explain it well, (5) face your responsibilities whether good or bad and (6) do not include people who are not part of the conflict, keep it among yourselves.
client politics
Client Politics or clientelism is a type of politics when a organized minority or interest group benefits at the expense of the public. It is an asymmetric relationship between groups of political actors described as patrons, brokers and clients.