Save more money from net income is the best way to achieve long-term financial goals. Saving money is the most appropriate choice to achieve a long-term financial goal by preserving the time value of money. The value of money will be declined as the times goes by, therefore saving money is one of the best options to preserve the value of money.
Clarifying the issues of a problem is the second step in the problem-solving process Option(b) is correct.
Problem solving is the way by which arrangements are created to eliminate a snag from accomplishing an extreme objective.
Problems needing arrangements range from essential private matters of "how would I turn on this machine to additional mind boggling subjects in the business and scholastic fields. Obstructions are not handily taken out when there is an absence of vital assets or information to accomplish the objective.
Miniature and large scale problems emerge continually and in this manner, problem solving is a crucial piece of life. Not every person can take care of a problem all alone. Attorneys, specialists, and experts are instances of those that assume the job of being problem solvers. Numerous organizations have been very effective by perceiving a problem and making an answer. The more individuals that are burdened by a problem, the more noteworthy the chance to foster an answer.
Therefore Option(b) is correct.
Learn more about Problem Solving here:
second problem solving is the right answer.
He made the steam engine more efficient.
Individual choices
If both have a choice, they can just decide on doing what they want to do. In this case, it seems pretty clear that, for whatever reason it may be, Martha did not want to go to the movies, so she decided to stay home. George on the other hand, decided to go. Maybe there's a movie that he would not like to miss.