b. Because it places you at a lower risk for developing obesity related illnesses
c. Because it places you at a greater risk for developing obesity related illnesses
d. Because it places you at a greater risk for developing an enhanced self-image
B.Soccer league
C.Swim club
D.Yoga Class
12 feet
up to 40 feet in length and 12 feet in height.
B. Smoking relaxes people because it lowers the heart rate.
C. Smoking can lead to emphysema as well as strokes.
Answer: C
B. adrenaline.
C. estrogen.
D. lipoproteins.
Correct answer choice is :
As time raises after you have done training the pulse rate decreases. This occurs because energy is not being used as fast, therefore, cells need less energy hence the heart does not need to pump blood as much as less oxygen is needed for it to be used as energy. Within 10 minutes after training the heart rate should drop below 100 or it can be very critical.