TRUE OR FALSE: with time and pressure, peat turns into lignite, or brown coal.


Answer 1


I hope it's help !

Answer 2
Answer: Hey There!

The statement is true, with time and pressure peat does turn into brown coal.

Have A Brainly Day :)

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If two automobiles have the same velocity, do they have the same acceleration?


Not at all.


-- They could be on the same road, driving in the same direction.
Still, one may be slowing down while the other one is speeding up.
Then, their accelerations have opposite signs, and may have different
magnitudes, but there may very well be an instant when their velocities
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-- They may both have the same steady speed, but one is on a straight
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It is an important part of many cells and processes such as amino acids, proteins and even our DNA. It is also needed to make chlorophyll in plants, which is used in photosynthesis to make their food.

Hope this helps! ;)

Calculate the distance between the center of the earth and the center of the moon at which the gravitational force exerted by the earth on the object is equal in magnitude to the force exerted by the moon on the object



Step wise solution

Let r1 be the distance from the Earth to the point where

the gravitational accelerations are the same and let r2 be the distance

from the Moon to that point.

Then, r1+ r2 = r12 = 383,000 km.

Let Re be the radius of earth

and let Rm be the radius of moon

Let, ge be the gravity of earth

and let gm be the gravity of moon

The fact that the gravitational attractions by the Earth and the Moon

at this point are equal leads to the equation



(here, Re=6380, gE=9.8m/s^2,  gM=1.62m/s^2 and r12=383,000 km



r1=344,770 km

Hope this answer wil help you


Calculate the distance between the center of the earth and the center of the moon at which the gravitational force exerted by the earth on an object is equal in magnitude to the force exerted by the moon on the object


solution steps

What is the most important reason that caffeine (C8H10N4O2) has a lower melting point than copper (II) chloride (CuCl2)?A. The intermolecular forces holding the caffeine molecules together are weaker than the ionic bonds in CuCl2.
B. The heavy caffeine molecules are more likely to fall apart than the lighter CuCl2 molecules.
C. The metallic bonds in copper chloride are stronger than the ionic bonds in caffeine.
D. Caffeine is a network solid and has a low melting point like other network solids.



                Option-A " The intermolecular forces holding the caffeine molecules together are weaker than the ionic bonds in CuCl₂ ".


                         There are two types of interactions among the atoms and molecules. One are known as intramolecular forces while the other are known as intermolecular forces.

Examples of Intramolecular forces are ionic bonds and covalent bonds e.t.c. while examples of intermolecular forces are hydrogen bond interactions, dipole-dipole interactions e.t.c.

Remember that intramolecular forces ar far more greater in strength than the intermolecular forces. Hence, in given statement the interactions between Caffeine molecules are intermolecular forces while, that between Cu and Cl ions in CuCl₂ are intramolecular forces.

Based on the girls experiment, what is a chemical property of iron? (1c)


Explanation: A chemical property of iron is that it is capable of combining with oxygen to form iron oxide, the chemical name of rust. The more general term for rusting and other similar processes is corrosion.


capable of combining with oxygen and becoming iron oxide


Describe all the ways that newtons laws can apply in a car crash


Newtons first law - Objects in the car at rest (The human) will remain at rest unless affected by an unbalanced force. Well the unbalanced force would be the crash and this would set the human in motion and they would ether fly out the car if not wearing a seat belt or if wearing one they would get bad whip lash

Newtons second law - With more mass requires more force, so since the human is pretty light or even if heavy in a big crash there will be so much more from it that this will send the human flying.

Newtons 3rd law - Objects A puts force onto objects b and object b excretes the same amount of force back onto object a, so in a crash the human would hit the car hard and the car would excrete the same amount of force back on the human which would really damage him/her

Final answer:

Newton's laws of motion can be applied in a car crash to explain the physics and forces involved.


In a car crash, Newton's laws of motion can be applied in several ways:

  1. Newton's first law: Also known as the law of inertia, this law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. In a car crash, the body of the occupants tends to stay in motion until acted upon by a force, such as the seatbelt or the airbag.
  2. Newton's second law: This law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In a car crash, the greater the force of impact, the greater the acceleration experienced by the occupants. This is why it is important to wear seatbelts and have properly functioning airbags.
  3. Newton's third law: This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a car crash, when two vehicles collide, the force exerted by one vehicle on the other is met with an equal and opposite force.

Overall, Newton's laws of motion help explain the physics behind car crashes and the forces involved.

Learn more about Newton's laws of motion in a car crash here: