Describe three ways you can conserve energy in your own home


Answer 1
Answer: Turn lights off, unplug electronics, and use solar energy
Answer 2
Answer: you can turn off the air conditioning
you can keep all electronics off
you can turn off all running water

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Sort the questions based on whether they are better answered by an observational study or a controlled experiment.How effective is a new
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Following questions are better answered by observational study:

- How does the daytime temperature affect the formation of dew at night?

- How effective is a new toothpaste in reducing cavities?

Following questions are better answered by controlled experiment:

- Which is a better absorber of heat, an object painted black or the same object painted white?

- Why does a rolling ball slow down as it moves?

- Can plants prepare food even in artificial light?


An observational study is one in which the researcher doesn't manipulate anything.

In a controlled experiment, the researcher manipulate the outcome of the experiment and controls the factors that might affect the experiment to see different results in different conditions.

So, for questions over which research do not have any control, mostly natural processes, observational study is a better option.

However, to check why a rolling ball slow down, controlled experiments are done to find out all the factors.

Plants placed in artificial light is also an controlled experiment as the researcher will himself place the plants in artificial light and keep them away from natural light.

Similarly, to check if color of the object affects the amount of heat absorbed by that object, a controlled experiment must be performed. Same object should be painted white and observed and then painted black and observed.

Find the equivalent resistance in the circuit between A and B ​




The 6Ω resistor and the 3Ω resistor are in parallel.

R = 1 / (1/6 + 1/3)

R = 1 / (1/6 + 2/6)

R = 1 / (3/6)

R = 6/3

R = 2

The 8Ω resistor and the other 8Ω resistor are also in parallel.

R = 1 / (1/8 + 1/8)

R = 1 / (2/8)

R = 8/2

R = 4

This 4Ω resistance is in series with the 4Ω resistor.

R = 4 + 4

R = 8

The 2Ω resistor and the 6Ω resistor are also in series.

R = 2 + 6

R = 8

These two 8Ω resistances are in parallel.

R = 1 / (1/8 + 1/8)

R = 1 / (2/8)

R = 8/2

R = 4

Finally, this 4Ω resistance is in series with the 2Ω resistance we found earlier.

R = 4 + 2

R = 6

The total equivalent resistance is 6Ω.

What is happening to the earth's field right now.


it is bracking down because of all the pollutoin 

Which scientists supported the idea that light is made of streams of particles? Check all that apply.



Albert Einstein and issac Newton



a and d


edge 2021

When the pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is _______than the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced?THE ANSWER IS: GREATER THAN


greater is the keword here

When the pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is  less than the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced?

Answer the answers that you know. Answer Each One with The inner planets and the outer planets.

1.How close it is to the sun?

2.Length of the time to orbit the sun.

3.If they have moons,how many?

4.Describe the Surface And Atmosphere.

6.Size of the planet

7.How does it rotates (Direction)

8.If they have rings,How many?

9.The diameter of the planet

10.The temperture of the planet.

11.Does the planet has other names? What are they?

12.Definition of Terrestrial

13.Definition of Jovian


1).  Sequence from the Sun:

       Inner planets:

       Outer planets:
2).  The farther a planet is from the sun, the longer it takes
to orbit the sun.  Mercury ... 88 days.  Earth ... 365 days.
                           Jupiter ... 12 years.    Neptune ... 165 years.

3).  Mercury & Venus ... no moons
      Earth - 1
      Mars - 2
     Jupiter -  more than 65

4).  Mercury ... cratered, no atmosphere
      Venus ... cratered, thick cloudy atmosphere
       Mars ... dry, cratered, slight atmosphere, like 1% or Earth's
       Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
                     We can't see any surface.  If any of them even
                     HAS a surface, it's thousands of miles under a
                     thick atmosphere of methane gas.

5).  Missing from the list

6).  Here's a list from the biggest planet to the smallest one.
The numbers in parentheses are the radius of the planet --
half of the diameter:

Jupiter (69,911 km / 43,441 miles) – 1,120% the size of Earth
Saturn (58,232 km / 36,184 miles) – 945% the size of Earth
Uranus (25,362 km / 15,759 miles) – 400% the size of Earth
Neptune (24,622 km / 15,299 miles) – 388% the size of Earth
Earth (6,371 km / 3,959 miles)
Venus (6,052 km / 3,761 miles) – 95% the size of Earth
Mars (3,390 km / 2,460 miles) – 53% the size of Earth
Mercury (2,440 km / 1,516 miles) – 38% the size of Earth

7). At least seven of the planets rotate in the same direction. 
There's something different about one of them ... it may be Uranus
but I'm not sure.  You'll have to look this up.

8).  Saturn has the famous rings, that you can almost see
with only binoculars.
Spacecraft sent to observe the outer planets have detected
very thin rings around Uranus and Neptune.

9).  Included in #6.

10).  I don't have complete info.  Generally, the closer the planet
is to the sun, the hotter it is.  But there are a few exceptions. 
I think Venus ... the second one from the sun, is actually hotter
than Mercury. 

11).  Just about every language has its own name for each planet.

12).  "Terrestrial" means "like Earth" ("Terra").
The terrestrial planets are the ones that have solid surfaces
and are made of rock.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

13).  "Jovian" means "like Jupiter".
Either no solid surface, or very small, inside a big deep gas ball. 
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.