The comma after 1999
You can remove the comma after 1999 on question seven to make it look a little less clustered.
What is it, the first two letters are 'no'?
Nonfiction is the correct answer.
The term nonfiction can be defined as a type of prose that uses facts, real events, and real people as a theme. There are several genres such as memories, biographies and autobiographies, journals, newspapers, magazine articles, and textbooks. Due to this, nonfiction is the correct answer.
Nonfiction is writing about real people, places, objects or events. It is not supposed to contain any fictional elements or made up stories. It is important to remember that nonfiction is a true story written from someone's perspective. It is what is true for the author. That doesn't mean that it is true for everyone.
Answer: The correct answer is : True
Explanation: At the beginning the choirs were 50 members who danced and sang. In the sixth century BC, Thespis was the first real actor because he had a dialogue with the choir leader. In the 5th century BC Aeschylus proposed a second actor and reduced the chorus of 50 to 12 artists and then Sophocles added a third actor and increased the chorus of 12 to 15 artists, but reduced it to a commentary role in most of his works.