Mary and her younger brother alex decide to ride the carousel at the state fair. mary sits on one of the horses in the outer section at a distance of 2.0 m from the center. alex decides to play it safe and chooses to sit in the inner section at a distance of 1.4 m from the center. the carousel takes 3.8 s to make each complete revolution.


Answer 1

solution is attached below

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The compact was in effect until 1691 and tried to establish self-government in America, being the first document attempting to do so. The Pilgrims arriving in North America would have "legal" dominance and liberty to settle and bound themselves to this New World. Arriving on September 16, 1620, the Mayflower, a British ship with 102 passengers, was responsible for this document, hence its name.

Which of the inventions below did NOT enable companies to begin massproducing goods?A. Cotton Gin
B. electricity
C. the production line
D. Bessemer steel process



bessemer steel process I believe

25. What are the most relevant cultural values affecting the consumption of each of the following? Describe how and why these values are particularly important. a. Internet b. Video games/consoles c. Milk d. Fast food e. Luxury cars f. Cell phones



Explanation:INTERNET - one cultural value affecting the use of internet is MORALITY.most parents are particular about how their children use the internet although the monitoring has not been a total success but at least it has reduced the rate at the young people misuse the internet(2)HARDWORK is a value that has affected the consumption of video games. parents don't want their to lazy around and this has helped to make more youths responsible(3)The fair of obesity has prevented most people from taken much milk,HEALTH awareness has made that achievable and that's fair enough (4)TIME MANAGEMENT is a value that has affected he patronage of fast food joint.. People who can manage their time will rather not use fast food (5)RESPONSIBLE SPENDING/BUDGETING has affected the consumption of luxury cars and phones and that has made people cultivated good saving habit

Trình bày khái niệm làng và phân tích các tiêu chí để nhận diện một làng nghề truyền thống


Im sorry but i don’t know What that means but if you can say in English I could help you

Climate change is tied MOST closely to which basic human motivation?



But most Americans support a role for scientists in climate policy, and there is ... climate change is occurring and whether humans are playing a role, ... of the climate debate, down to people's basic trust in the motivations ... The credibility of climate research is also closely tied with Americans' political views.


Maria is an executive coach who wants to use podcasts to create a series of instructional videos and audiocasts for her clients. She has never created a podcast before. What tips should maria follow when creating her podcast


My suggestion to Maria is to follow these steps:

1. Choose a specific theme for each of her podcasts:  

The first step should be the choice of the topic that Maria will address in the podcast. As much as Maria has knowledge of various executive coach topics and want to share everything she knows, it is interesting to focus on a certain topic in order to break it down and deliver content that really adds value to her audience.  

2. Define the podcast participants:

To make her podcasts more dynamic and interesting, Maria can invite other people to participate. To attract the attention of her public, she can invite consultants, researchers or anyone else who is authoritative in the matter to share their knowledge with listeners. In that case, Maria can create podcasts in the format of interview, debate or simply didactic, so that the guest gives a class on the selected topic.  

3. Plan the content that Maria will address:

Before starting to record, I recommend that Maria creates a simple script of what she is going to tackle. If out of nervousness, emotion or simple forgetfulness, Maria "hit that target" when talking, this may compromise the quality of her content.  

4. Prepare herself vocally:

I remind Maria that the podcast is a digital audio file and users must clearly understand what is being said. She or her guests should have good diction and master the tone of voice so that it is not too high or too low.  

5. Order the equipment to record:

Creating a podcast requires few instruments and, therefore, little financial investment. One of the only necessary tools is a good microphone, so that the audio is captured properly and transmit her message with quality for the listeners. In the market, Maria can find several options, each with different characteristics and values. It is possible to use USB microphones, flap or even her smartphone.  

6. Edit each podcast  carefully:

After recording the podcast, it is necessary to edit it, so that it reaches the audience with the most professional aspect possible.  As much as the chosen environment is silent, it is common for some unwanted sounds to appear in the recording or unevenness of the audio. At this stage, these details must be corrected so that all the material is understandable.  

7. Publish her podcasts:

After editing, her podcasts are ready to be published. For this, Maria just needs to choose the ideal platform. There are specific platforms to host audios, many of them free for both the coach and the desired listeners.  

8. Disseminate her podcasts:

There are several channels that can be used for the dissemination of Maria's podcasts and she must take into account the most accessed by her audience, so that her files reach the desired target. It is possible to use social networks, her blog or video channel, along with her institutional videos so that more people have access to her channel. Place attractive messages that show the content that users will have when they listen to her podcasts. Disclosing snippets of content can also leave the listeners curious to listen to the podcast until the end.