My dad has but not me
I love telugu movies
This earlier context of communication lacked: c. instantaneousness.
Communication via internet through smartphones and computers create a faster way of communication. This creates instantaneousness, while the other communication via letters wasn't characterized by instant messangers that arrive at the very moment.
In the context of Johari Window, the larger the hidden area, the:
lesser the chances of your relationships developing beyond the acquaintance level.
Developed by psychologists in 1955, the Johari Window is a technique largely used in self-help groups. The Window has four areas: open, blind, hidden, and unknown. From a list of adjectives, a subject selects the ones that describe himself. Then his peers also select adjectives from the list to describe the subject.
The hidden area refers to the area of the window where the adjectives selected only by the subject are placed (unlike, for instance, the open area, where adjectives chosen by the subject as well as the peers are placed). These adjectives represent qualities the subject sees in himself, but that he most likely keeps from others, since the peers are unable to see them. The larger this area, the more this person is "hiding" from others. Therefore, the lesser the chances of his relationships developing beyond the acquaintance level.
b. False
Assuming you are referring to the US Congress, Politicians refer to these as "chips", "I will vote for your bill, for a future vote on my bill" etc.
"India is rated as more developed than"... is assertion and the second one is reasoning.
borrowed funds can be repaid.
taxes remain the same.
spending matches revenue.
spending matches revenue.
Here are general terms that are usually used by the government in order to show the condition of their budget at the end of each presidential terms:
If the Revenue is greater than spending - Surplus
If the Spending is Greater than Revenue - Deficit
If the Spending is equal to the Revenue - Balanced
In a Balanced condition, the government managed to efficiently use all the funds from the proposed budget to pay for all the programs that they created during the presidential terms.
Ideally, every presidential terms will always aim to either get a Surplus or Balanced Budget at the end of their terms. Deficit condition usually lead to an increase of National's Debt.