The best indicator of the efficiency of exercise is


Answer 1

A good indicator of efficient exercise is a good resting heart rate.  This enables athletes and health buffs to meet the needs of their body with a slow heart rate.  It does not take them much effort in terms of physical activity whereas those who are out of shape would exert a lot of effort to complete a task.

Answer 2
Answer: The best indicator of the efficiency of exercise is theResting Heart Rate. Exercise must strengthen your heart and makes the heart more efficient. Resting Heart Rate measures if your heart pumps blood normally each time the heart contracts. Normal Resting Heart Rate means a healthy heart.

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Which of the following is NOT a fall protection method?a. Guardrails
b. Personal fall arrest systems
c. Safety belts
d. Safety nets


The answer is safety belts. The only reason that this is true is because OSHA discontinued the permissability of using belts because of injuries which were occuring when employees fell while wearing only a belt and not a fall harness which distributes the forces of a fall arrest to multiple parts of the body rather than just the waist area when using a belt only.

Safety belts are not a fall protection method.

Further Explanation:

Fall protection is the method use to control or protect the person from falling and stop them from causing severe injury. There is several fall protection technique used to protect the worker from falling while doing his work in the construction building.

They are,

1. Personal fall arrest system: This method helps in protecting the person from falling by attaching them from the walking working surface. The equipment used is body harness, anchorage and connector etc.

2. Safety nets: The safety nets are used during construction, building maintenance and in industries where there is high chance to fall. It will help by giving more time to the falling object to reduce its velocity to zero velocity and catch the worker.

3. Guard rails: The fencing lies around the road and in middle of the road or expressway are the guard rails. They are intended to decrease the risk of falling from the roads.

Safety belt is also used for protection but not in case of fall protection. They are used in the car as a safety device designed to prevent the person from harmful movement such as collision and sudden stop.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about meiosis

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Personal Protection


Fall protection, control, severe, injury, protection, construction, personal, safety nets, guard rail, device, harmful collision, sudden.

A client has just completed a renal biopsy. which manifestation should be given priority attention?



A client has just completed a renal biopsy. Which manifestation should be given priority attention?
The child is not voiding.

Which of the following best describes asbestosis?a. a breathing disorder caused by inhaling asbestos fibers
b. a skin disorder caused by prolonged contact with asbestos fibers
c. a liver disorder caused by ingesting asbestos fibers
d. a collection of illnesses that includes all of the above


The best describes asbestosis is a breathing disorder caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. asbestosis is actually a chronic lung disease that causes long term breathing complications and that worst part of it is that it has no cure. A person can get asbestosis when that person has too much exposure to asbestos, but it will take some time to develop this kind disease normally after a decade or more. When a person is diagnosed with asbestosis, they very much have risk to develop a lung cancer. the symptom includes coughing, chest pain and weight loss.




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The placenta surrounds as protects the fetus during pregnancy.
The answer is (A) because amniocentesis (amniotic fluid) a procedure in which a syringe is inserted through a pregnant female's abdominal wall into the amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus

Disorders of the skin include all of the following exceptA. acne.
B. osteoporosis.
C. psoriasis.
D. carcinomas.


the answer is B. osteoporosis. osteoporosis is a disorder in which your bones become very weak and brittle.
B it has nothing to do with the skin

The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated.



The fovea region is where most photoreceptors are located. This is because most of the rods and cons are located in this area of the eye. Moreover, this is also where transduction happens. The part where the ambiguous stimuli which is light is interpreted to be a meeaningful information.