The chemical symbol for sodium is
a. Sn.
b. N.
c. S.
d. Na.


Answer 1
Answer: For this question the answer would be D. Na is the chemical symbol for sodium.
Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be D.

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Talking about ions, a cation has a positive charge. That means a positive charge is gained by an atom that gives out electrons. 

How does the number of atoms in one mole of argon compare with the number of molecules in one mole of ammonia


The number of atoms in one molecule of argon is the same as the number of molecules in onemole of Ammonia which is equal to 6.02 × 10²³units.

The Avogadro's number, postulated by italiàn scientist Amedeo Avogadro, is simply defined as the number of units in one mole of any substance (which is defined as the molecular weight in grams), equal to 6.02 × 10²³.

  • The units may however be electrons, atoms, ions, or molecules, depending on the nature of the substance in discuss.

In this scenario, the number of atoms in onemole of argon is therefore the same as the number of molecules in one mole of Ammonia.

Read more:

They are the same because the definition of a mole is 6.022 x 10^23 molecules or atoms based on whether it is a molecule or element. so there are 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of argon in one mole of argon and 6.022 x 10^23 molecules of ammonia in one mole of ammonia

Why are the atomic masses of elements usually decimal numbers? Provide an answer using 3 – 4 sentences in your own words.


Explanation: An element does not exist alone in the nature. It exist in the form of isotopes of its own. Atomic mass of that element is the average atomic masses of the isotopes.

Average atomic mass of the element is defined as the sum of atomic masses of isotopes each multiplied with their respective natural fractional abundance.


\text{Average atomic mass}=\sum_(i=1)^n\text{(atomic mass of an isotopes)}_i* \text {(fractional abundance)}_i

This is the reason, why an element does not have a whole number atomic mass, but exist in decimal numbers.

The atomic masses of elements are usually written in decimal numbers because they are non-terminating. The numbers usually are rounded to the nearest thousandths place. The atomic masses are more exact in decimal numbers.

In each reaction box, place the best reagent and conditions from the list below.


This is a two step step reaction as shown below,

Step 1:
           Epoxidation of Alkene:
                                              In first step Cyclohexene is treated with peroxybenzoic acid in the presence of Dichloromethane which results in the formation of epoxide moiety.

Step 2:
           Nucleophillic Substitution Reaction:
                                                                  In second step the epoxide formed is treated with Sodium Methoxide which acts as a nucleophile and attacks the less hindered carbon of epoxide resulting in the formation of final product as shown below.

Final answer:

The best reagent and condition for a chemical reaction is dictated by the reactants at hand and the substance that you're trying to produce. For instance, to convert an alkene into an alcohol, Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4) at room temperature would be an example of an ideal reagent and condition.


In chemistry, when you are asked to place the best reagent and conditions in a reaction box, you are trying to predict the proper chemical, heat, or pressure conditions that will foster a certain chemical reaction. This requires understanding of substances' chemical properties, behavior under different conditions, and reaction mechanisms. For instance, if we want to oxidize an alkene into an alcohol, we would choose a reagent like Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4). In this case, OsO4 would be our 'best reagent', and room temperature may serve as the ideal condition as it generally facilitates this process. Each reagent and condition depend on the reactants you start with and the product you want at the end.

Learn more about Chemical Reactions here:


How can there be more than 1000 different atoms when there are only about 100 different elements?


Actually, there are only about 100 atoms that have been yet discovered. But each element has many different kinds of atom. For instance, carbon. Do you know carbon has more than 30 or 50 different types of atoms? Well, how? There are isotopes. Don't think that there is only one carbon atom which has 6 electrons and 6 protons and 6 neutrons. There are more. C-13 has 6 electrons and 6 protons and 7 neutrons. While, C-14 has 6 electrons and 6 protons and 8 neutrons. I just showed you three stable isotopes of carbon(element). But, what is really an isotope?? Did you notice that all of these atoms had the same number of protons and electron but different numbers of neutrons? This is really an isotope. Well, if an atom takes a few more electrons or gives off a few electrons, it still stays the same element/ atom type. Just like that an element can have atoms of different neutron number. It may be less or more. It doesn't affect the atom much: just makes an isotope. But it does affect the atomic mass number or radioactivity of an atom. So, an element can have many different forms of isotopes of its atoms. In this way, being only 100 atoms, there can 1000 atoms or (more than that!). 

To make it more clear-

Definition of ISOTOPEany of two or more forms of a chemical element, having the same number of protons and electrons in the nucleus, or the same atomic number, but having different numbers of neutrons


There can be more atoms because atoms make about everything and those atoms make up the elements and since,atoms are in everything there can be different kinds of atoms to make up certain things.

A solution has a (oh-) = 8.6 × 10-5 the poh=, ph=, (h+)=


pOh is calculated by the negative logarithm of hydroxide ions concentration. From the given value, we have:

pOH = -log(8.6 x 10 ^-5)
pOH = 4.07

To calculate the pH we use the relation of pOH and pH, expressed as:

14 = pOH + pH
pH = 14 - 4.07 = 9.93
pH = -log [H+]
[H+] = 10^-9.93 = 1.16 x 10^-3 M