I wonder if you could disagree. Say the punishment of wearing the scarlet letter is much less barbaric than the stoning that she might have suffered under mosaic law.
Explanation: Adultery destroys the love and trust that form the basis for a happy marriage. It causes the breakdown of families. In previous centuries, stable marriages and families were the basis for communities and civil society. Anyone who caused disruption undermined the common good. The punishment served as a deterrent.
In today's culture of pleasure-seeking and lack of commitment to long-term marriage, it may seem harsh to punish someone for "doing what comes naturally." But look at the consequences. Single parents who can hardly support themselves and their kids. Kids constantly in visitation switches between parents. Unplanned pregnancies and abortions. If adultry were less tolerated, family and community life would be more stable.
Reasons: The Females will be safe at home ( in many countries if woman get pregent they wouldn't be safe at home).
They might not be able to take care of their kid or give them the best life.
Mental or physical disabilities
As for agurments I'm not sure, but I gave some reasons you could use if you want.
I dont think that because a baby might have disabilities gives us the right to kill them. People with disabilities have been the some of the most happy people i have ever met. They don't let their disabilities get the best of them and so they just live and enjoy their lives. Its not fair to us to make a decision so permanent. Babies never chose to be conciceved, it is our own fault. If you are going to have an abortion anyways then don't get pregnant in the first place. Use birth control and things like that, don't end an innocent life because of your decicions.
B - She begins to go wherever Ben Weatherstaff goes and do whatever he does.
C - She leaves India to come to England.
D - She speaks in a Yorkshire dialect and tries to mimic Dickon.
B. He realizes that the combs he bought Della for Christmas will be useless now.
C. He regrets not telling Della that he does not want a chain for his watch.
D. He realizes that he's forgotten to buy Della a Christmas gift.