The influence of Greek tragedy as filtered through Seneca can still be seen in modern plays, movies, and literature. Select a play, movie, or literary work with which you are familiar. In the space below, write a 150-word essay presenting and analyzing the evidence you find of Greek tragic elements as discussed in relation to Elizabethan and Senecan drama. Include examples of at least three different elements, with an explanation of each one. Be sure to include the title of your selected work, as well as its type (play, movie, or literary work such as a book or short story). Elements you might choose from include the tragic hero, premonitions, prophetic dreams, or revenge.


Answer 1

A movie that shows similar characteristics to the ones that can be seen in Greek tragedies and Senecan dramas is The Passion of the Christ.

The Greek tragic elements that can be observed in Senecan dramas are the melodramatic elements, such as killing, assassination, horror scenes, that chock the reader or viewer. Revenge is also an important element since it is considered the main plot of Seneca's plays. Supernatural elements and the presence of the underworld are also important elements present in Senecan dramas. Greek tragedies usually tell the story of a hero, a good person who had a terrible destiny or was misunderstood. That causes pity, empathy and fear on the audience.

The movie The Passion of the Christ tells Christ's story, which is well-known throughout the world because of Christianism and the bible. That story was adapted into a movie format and shows many similar characteristics to the ones in Greek tragedies and Senecan dramas, such as melodramatic elements because the movie has many horrific scenes of torture and blood-shed; revenge and betrail, since it tells the viewer about Juda's betrail that led Christ to his death; supernatural elements because it tells about Christ's resurrection and his visions and conversations with God. Also, the movie is about a hero that was misunderstood and had a terrible destiny, moreover it causes pity and fear on the audience. Therefore, the movie presents many of the characteristics found in Senecan dramas and Greek tragedies.

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Whether it is a fight for his life, winning a quidditch match, or just staying out of trouble, these novels are anything but boring. This I believe, is one of the biggest reasons why these books have been such a success, the author knows how to keep the story going at all times in order to maintain the readers attention. Another factor which I believe has led to the novels success is that while reading, the reader wishes that they could live in this fantasy world created by Rowling where life is anything but ordinary. The novels make the reader somewhat desire a life like the one led by the characters of the novels, like going to a school to learn wizarding, always having extraordinary things happen and just being at Hogwarts seems like an unequaled joy for some. These novels have the ability to reignite the long lost imaginations of adults, and keep the imaginations of children strong.

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Paragraph about how Harry Potter's glasses are represented throughout the movie:

Harry Potter's glasses are one of the most visible things about his appearance in the movies. He is blind without them. One way his glasses are represented throughout the movie is his smart abilities. Although he may not be a crazy study-person like Hermione Granger, he is undeniably smart. If you don't think so, then take a look at this: he was The Chosen One that had to take down Voldemort and not any dumb kid could pull that off. Another way his glasses are represented throughout the movies is by a very powerful character trait; creativity. Creativity is shown by his glasses because he used them as an advantage in his Quidditch match one time when it was raining very hard and he needed to repel water away from his eyes so he could more easily see the Snitch (Hermione used the Impervius Charm). Who would've thought you could repel water using your own glasses? Lastly, his glasses show that his father, James Potter, also wore glasses, as he too had problems seeing.

Paragraph about how the glasses symbolize school:

One way Harry Potter's glasses symbolize school is they show anyone can be smart. Harry was not the top of his class, though he was famous. However, he is undeniably a smart kid. Another way Harry's glasses symbolize school is because of this neat idiom: "four eyes". This represents many things. For example, it could represent that one is very aware of what is going on in school. Lastly, Harry's glasses show that one must keep moving forward in school. You can connect to this from a clip in the movie, when Harry lost his glasses at the Whomping Willow, but had to keep moving forward into the Whillow in order to catch up to Ron Weasley. (Harry did get his glasses in the movie clip before he entered the tree, of course).

Hope this really helps you out! :)

ASAP! GIVING BRAINLIEST! Please read the question THEN answer CORRECTLY! NO guessing. I say no guessing because people usually guess on my questions.






A for sure


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