Known as the ____these teenagers initially needed a military escort to attended classes


Answer 1
Answer: Known as the Little Rock Nine these teenagers initially needed a military escort to attended classes

so your answer is Little Rock Nine

hope that helps

Answer 2
Answer: Little Rock Nine because Governor Faubus was a horrible person

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Lord gave land to knights, who in return were obliged to join the lord war party in person, in heavy armour, mounted, when lord called for them (the length of service varied).
Lords were taking care of children and widows of their vassals.
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A. promoting human welfare and social reform.

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So, I actually think that it's B. different ideas about land use and ownership.

The thing is, they did have some translators with time, and then more and more. Also, you can communicate a lot if you want to, even if you don't have a common language.

the real problem was that the native Americans wanted to continue using the land they've used for centruries, while the colonists wanted to own this land and take it for their own.

Why did each of the 13 states write a constitution soon after independence was declared?


After the American War of Independence had begun, the Congress asked the  13 original colonies to form governments for themselves, so the colonies began writing and adopting new constitutions to become sovereign and independent states. By 1780, every state had a written constitution.  Under the Articles of Confederation, the power of the national government was centered in the Congress. However, the national government was weak and states functioned like independent countries. So, at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, delegates from the different states decided to a plan a stronger federal government with three branches (executive, legislative and judicial) all of equal power. As a result, the US Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia.

They knew they needed to replace the British government after the war was over, and the Continental Congress suggested that each state write its own constitution.