the Assembly line and the mass production of consumer goods such as the Ford Model T Automobile and luxury labor saving devices
The shoreline along which the continental Western United States coincides the North Pacific Ocean known as Pacific Coast or West Coast. As a domain, this name most frequently applies to the marginal lands of California, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. More particularly, it pertains to a domain adjoined on the eastwards side by the Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, Alaska Range, and on the westward by the Pacific Ocean.
Federal Government > State Government
The rationale for this is that we live in a global world and need collective responses to global challenges. Instead of there being a Utah response and a Virginia response to the need for more STEM graduates, there should be a US response. Economies of scale also come into play. It can cost less and be more efficient to have resources centralized.
State Government > Federal Government
America was founded after a revolution rejected a strong central monarchy and America needs to continue to honor that by allowing citizens in Utah to have different approaches than Virginia. When convenient, the states can choose to collectively band together on issues like defense but that should be the exception and not the rule.
The new American Arizona Territory also included most of the lands acquired in the Gadsden Purchase. This territory would be admitted into the Union as the State of Arizona on February 14, 1912, the last area of the Lower 48 States to receive statehood.