Transcribe the following words using phonetic symbols.also indicate primary stressstrength


Answer 1
Answer: strength - /strɜŋθ/
distinction - /ðɪstɪncʃən/
historical - /hɪstorɪkəl/
shield - / ʃɪ̈ld/
oxford - /əksford/
lllustrate - /ɪ̈lʊstraeɪt/
slavery - /sleɪvɜrɪ̈/
pumpkin - /pʌmpkɪ̈n/
doubt - /daʊt/
theatre - /θɪɜtɜr/

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What did Marcus focus his thoughts on to get him through tough times?



people to expect good things to happen.


Marcus recommends people to expect good things to happen. But even if adversity comes too, people should accept this adversity and embrace it; it'll be clear later that even the most difficult conditions will have added something positive to people's lives.

Final answer:

Marcus Aurelius, as a Stoicism, focused on what he could control in times of hardship, emphasizing introspection, character, and personal conduct. This allowed him to remain calm and rational, emulating a practice shared by philosophers like Cicero.


Marcus Aurelius, a prominent philosopher and the emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 CE, relied on the principles of Stoicism to guide him through challenging times. At the heart ofStoicism is the emphasis on focusing on what one can control amidst the chaotic and changing circumstances around oneself. As such, during hardships, Marcus would have concentrated his thoughts on his own actions and responses, rather than things beyond his control.

He employed an introspective approach, reflecting on his own character, values, and conduct. This approach allowed him to handle difficult situations with a calm and tranquil mind, displaying clear judgement and rational thinking. This is a practice shared by many philosophers, including Cicero, who was also a statesman.

Learn more about Marcus Aurelius here:


What is Law of Supply states that



In economics, there are a series of factors that will be responsible for ensuring that an economy works, or not, and that it prospers, or not. One such factor is the factor of supply, which means, the goods and services that are offered by producers on the market for customers to acquire. On the other end we have the demand, which is, the actual requirements of consumers for the services and goods that are offered by producers. Between these two fundamental factors, accounting for others, of course, that also play a role, an economy moves forward and prices are maintained.

As such, the Law of Supply states basically that when all factors are maintained constant, supply means that as the price of a good or service increases so does the offer of this good or service by suppliers, as it becomes profitable for them to produce such a good, or service. But this means that the reverse can also take place. If the price of a good, or service, plummets, so will the supply and offer of either, or both, of them.

The law of supply is a fundamental principle of economic theory which states that, all else equal, an increase in price results in an increase in quantity supplied. In other words, there is a direct relationship between price and quantity: quantities respond in the same direction as price changes.
Hope this helps and have a good night! :3

What sins is Bonatti guilty of, according to Dante? 
A.Astrology and betrayal
 B.Betrayal and hypocrisy
 C.Simony and stealing 
D.Grafting and false prophecy


Astrology and betrayal

The witches dance wildly around their caldron in a ____ frenzy.


wild is ur answer so it would be the withces dance wildly around their caldron in a wild frenzy









These are the options

When mother-cow is chewing grass its young ones watch its mouth.'What does Achebe mean by this proverb?
Children take after their parents.
Calves are very attentive to their mothers.
Calves would rather eat grass then drink milk.
Children imitate their parents’ table manners.


In this proverb, Achebe wants to denote that:

Children imitate their parents’ table manners.

Generally speaking, children set their parents as their examples, be it good or bad. They look up to them and serve as their models in whatever purpose or situations they are up to. So, parents should act as good teachers for their children.