The vertical space you define above or under the sides of your paragraphs
Return are predicted in the modern microprocessor as, branch predictor is the modern method for the processor for the prediction. The basic function of the branch predictor is improving in the pipeline instruction. It is basically the important part for implement the execution and the pipe lining. And the return predicted uses the call by reference technique for the data in instruction.
b. Surge suppressor
c. CRT
d. UPS
Answer: A) Battery backup
A battery backup are used to provide the source of power backup to various hardware components and desktop computers. In many cases, the devices are plugged into UPS ( uninterruptible power supply) for backup power and it is also depend upon the size of the UPS.
All the battery backups are located inside so that is why, the devices are heavy in weight. Usually, the battery backup front required additional button for performing various functions.
And the battery backup devices are manufacture by using the varying degree of backup abilities.
Answer: Storage
Storage means means saving data in computer memory. Memory refers to the location which is meant for short-term data, while storage is the part of the computer system that allows an individual to store and also access data on long-term basis.
It should be noted that typically, storage usually comes in form of a hard drive or a solid-state drive.
volunteering for a fund raiser is a good way of developing interpersonal skills that would prove to be very effective and useful in life and in your career path
this find raiser requires some skills. they have been listed below
during planning stage, you have to take into consideration how to make the fundraiser a successful event. you take into account the best activities that would raise the most money during the event. this planning skill is a useful life skill.
this is a people skill, you must be one who can build relationships, a good listener, a motivator. on the day of the event, you would likely meet with and talk to different persons. Even for the people that make up team, it would require social skills for you to get along with them
3. administrativeskills:
this skill would require how to set up a meeting, making proposals and also how to send letters appropriately.
eachoftheseskillsI havelistedareskillsthatwouldhelpyoutodevelopyourstrengthasaperson.
B. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by SSL.
A. No, it would not succeed.
B. Yes, the attack will succeed.
In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, packet strictly refers to a protocol data unit at layer 3, the network layer. So if an attacker wants to insert bogus/ fake packets this will happen at the network layer.
A. IPSec works on network layer (the IP layer) of the OSI model protecting and authenticating IP packets. It provides data integrity, authentication and confidentiality between participating peers at the IP layer.
Thus, inserting bogus packets into the communications by an attacker will not have any affect on security of a system which has IPSec security and therefore it will not succeed.
B. SSL/TLS is an application layer protocol that fits into layer 5 to 7 of the OSI model. However, an attack by inserting bogus packets into the communications will succeed as SSL only provides protection for layer 5 to 7 and not the network layer.
The overall goal of this function is to take a list of words that we got as input, a list of words to check for if they appear in the input outputs to return if something from the list to check is in the input list.
Define a function, called selector.
This function should have the following inputs, outputs and internal procedures:
input_list - list of string
check_list - list of string
return_list - list of string
output - string, or None
Initialize output to None
Loop through each element in input_list
Use a conditional to check if the current element is in check_list
If it is, assign output as the returned value of calling the random.choice function on return_list
Also, break out of the loop
At the end of the function, return output Note that if we don't find any words from input_list that are in check_list, output will be returned as None.
See explaination
# Import required the module.
import random
# Define a function selector() which accepts the
# input_list, check_list, and return_list and
# returns a string named output.
def selector(input_list,check_list,return_list):
# Assign None to string variable output.
# Use for loop to traverse through input_list.
for i in range(len(input_list)):
# Check if element of an input_list is present
# in check_list.
if input_list[i] in check_list:
# Assign a random value from return_list
# to output.
# break out of the loop if input_list
# element is present in check_list.
return output
# Use assert statement to test a condition.
# If the condition is true, then program continues to
# execute, otherwise raises an AssertionError.
assert callable(selector)
assert selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']) == 'Yes'
assert selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']) == None
# Display the output.
print(selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']))
print(selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']))