To check if there's still connectivity between the computer and server, I would use the ping command.
The ping command is primarily a TCP/IP command. What this command does is to troubleshoot shoot. It troubleshoots connection and reachability. This command also does the work of testing the name of the computer and also its IP address.
To calculate percent of a total (i.e. calculate a percent distribution), you can use a formula that simply divides an amount by the total.
Note: you must format the result using the Percentage number format in Excel to see 25%, 10%, etc.
the reference to C11 is absolute (i.e. $C$11) so that it won't change when the formula is copied down the column.
As always in Excel, when you want to display a percentage, you need to use the Percentage number format, which will automatically display a decimal value as a percentage.
-dave bruns
this is the answer
B)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and one OR gate.
C)-Two OR gates, four AND gates, and one Inverter.
D)-Two Inverters, four OR gates, and one AND gate.
E)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and no OR gates.
A decoder is a circuit which has n inputs and 2n outputs, and outputs 1 on the wire corresponding to the binary number represented by the inputs. For example, a 2-4 decoder might be drawn like this:
and its truth table (again, really four truth tables, one for each output) is:
i1 i0 d3 d2 d1 d0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
The following circuit generates all four minterms from two inputs, and implements the 2-4 decoder.
The constructor are executed when the constructor object are comes in the existence as per the general rule in the computer programming language. The constructor is the special type of the class function that basically perform the initialization of the each object in the computer science.
Then, the constructor initialized actual value of the member of an object are allocated to the given object in the system.
The Internet
Why? The internet has done twice if not thrice what the printing press has done. The printing press allowed for dissemination of information and knowledge to the population through its mechanical movable printing capability and speed of book publishing. However its reach was highly limited by the physical attributes of the machines and having to transfer books and papers in spreading them to certain destinations. This limitation has been eliminated by the internet as one is able to receive a book written today in seconds and not physically but through electronic means. In other words, information need not be transferred physically, also accessbility and cost of getting information has been highly improved with the internet.