Advanced Placement Ap Questions
Please this is disgusting dirty and ugly and i just took a shower 1. Gather information through an interview. Prepare a set of questions that will help you trace the family's migration history, including instances of internal migration. Specifically address the types of immigration (internal or international), the characteristics of the immigrants (age, sex, and economic and family status at the time), reasons for the migration, where the migrants settled (Was it an ethnic enclave?), the existence of chain migration, and intervening obstacles in the migration process.2. Prepare a map that is illustrated and annotated with the names of towns and cities of the migration and include arrows to indicate movements, dates for moves, and basic push-pull factors (such as job opportunities) that prompted migration. Organize the information you will use to present a narrative account of the migrations. Note that your narrative should also address what types of social, cultural, economic, and political effects each step in the migration had.3. Select a way to present a narrative account of the family's migrations. You have several choices for presenting your narrative. You may wish to use the Web 2.0 tools feature to learn more about these options.• Slide Presentation• Essay• Weblog (blog)• Podcast• Video