संस्कृत एवं संस्कृत से उत्पन्न भाषाओं में उस अव्यय या शब्द को उपसर्ग कहते हैं जो कुछ शब्दों के आरंभ में लगकर उनके अर्थों का विस्तार करता अथवा उनमें कोई विशेषता उत्पन्न करता है। in english उपसर्ग is prefix.
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i will write in english ok
shabda ko aagadi jodine vashik ekai lai उपसर्ग vaninxa
Why I love a country that once betrayed means
nothing because is your country
She called out, "Who was in my room
Her brother came to the door and said, "I was
Then Nadia shouted, "I can't believe you went through my things
These are the sentences with the correct punctuation mark:
Punctuation marks are useful to express what someone is saying or asking, it gives the sentences intonation.
For example, in the last sentence when can read that Nadia "shouted" and that is the reason why we need to add an exclamation point at the end.
If you need more information about punctuation, you can check the following link