Long-term use of __________ can lead to kidney disease and dysfunction, liver disease, infections in the lungs, and chronic constipation.A. heroin
B. cocaine
C. marijuana


Answer 1

Final answer:

Long-term use of heroin can lead to significant health issues including kidney disease and dysfunction, liver disease, lung infections, and chronic constipation. The drug's addictive nature and withdrawal symptoms can exacerbate these health problems and cause lasting, potentially irreversible, damage.


The long-term use of heroin can lead to kidney disease and dysfunction, liver disease, infections in the lungs, and chronic constipation. While all drugs have potential harm, heroin specifically has been linked to these damaging effects on the body. Prolonged use of heroin can indeed cause serious health issues including damage to vital organs, ultimately leading to a significant reduction in the quality of life and potential death.

This is primarily because heroin, a powerful opioid, has a high potential for addiction, with users experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms that can exacerbate health problems. The drug can affect the body's ability to function properly and can cause lasting, sometimes irreversible, damage to organ systems.

Learn more about Long-term effects of heroin here:



Answer 2
Answer: The answer is heroin.

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Farm workers could lose jobs due to the fact machines could replace them. Jobs could also get easier due to the use of technology. This isn't everything and can be elaborated on e.g economical effects.

Final answer:

The biggest effect of new technology on farm workers was the shift from manual labor to mechanized production, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. This change in agriculture also led to the planting of large fields of a single crop and improved transportation methods.


The biggest effect that new technology had on farm workers was the shift from manual labor to mechanized production. With the introduction of new technologies such as tractors, seed drills, and combine harvesters, farmers were able to increase efficiency and productivity. However, this also led to a decrease in the number of farm workers needed, as machines could perform tasks more quickly and effectively.

Additionally, the industrialization of agriculture brought changes in farming practices, such as the planting of large fields of a single crop to maximize profits. Improved transportation and refrigeration allowed for the safe shipment of produce worldwide.

Learn more about Effects of new technology on farm workers here:



which quotation from the preamble to the declaration of independence supports the idea that the united states is based on a social contract


The quotation from the preamble to the declaration of independence supports the idea that the United States is based on a social contract is this: "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." The aforementioned statements just further proves that there is a contract and understanding between the people and the those in power that their power is simply given by the public. 


A) "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the goverend."


Why were Progressive reformers worried about the government


One of the main reasons why the Progressive reformers were worried about the government is because they believed it had become corrupt--in that "big business" and the government were colluding in order to enrich the elite at the expense of the poor. 

What year was the Enabling Act passed


It was passed in 1933, giving many powers to Hitler.

1.)what did President Wilson mean by the phrase "peace without victory"? a.) that the united states should withdraw its troops before the war ended.
b.) that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.
c.) that fighting should end with neither side claiming victory.
d.)that Germany should be required to rebuild france.


Answer: b. That the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

President Wilson meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations by the phrase, "peace without victory". This was used by Wilson during World War I in a speech addressed to the Senate of USA  on January 12,1919. He was actually appealing for settlement of the conflicts that were raging between the countries in Europe.

The correct answer is B. Peace without victort meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

In World War I, Wilson's position was eminently peaceful. But he believed that the best way to ensure the non-participation of the United States in the Great War was for it to end as soon as possible. He sent diplomats to Europe repeatedly, in order to achieve rapprochement between the contenders. He never achieved anything, given the absolute conviction of both sides that they would eventually win.

As the war progressed, Wilson's efforts became more evident, and he managed to get closer to his goals, although the definitive step that would have been the convocation of a peace conference was never taken. In his last attempts, the ideas that would mark Wilson's policy at the end of the war were already perceived: a peace without victory, a lasting peace based on the principles of equality among nations. The United States would support, according to Wilson, a peace of this kind, and would collaborate with the rest of the nations in the maintenance of a permanent international organization that would target it.

The German defeat and, above all, the way in which the French and British managed the victory would demonstrate, years later, to what extent Wilson's insistence on avoiding a humiliating peace agreement for the loser was correct.

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause?


The answer choices are:
 a.) Allowing a school to run weekly prayer sessionsb.) Allowing a student to wear religious clothingc.) Stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawnd.) Stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

Correct answer choice is:

c.) Stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawn
Exercise Clause is the section of the 1st Amendment. According to the exercise clause, Congress was forbidden to make any law which may support the establishment of religion or which may prohibit the free exercise.

Stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith is an example of the violation of the Free-Exercise Clause.  

Further Explanation:-

According to the first Amendment of the constitution of the United States, Congress has no right to make any law which is regarding the establishment of a religion or prohibiting a free exercise thereof. These two clauses in the United States Constitution are referred to as ‘Establishment Clause" and ‘Free Exercise Clause'. Both of these clauses are applied to all the states of the United States and these clauses operate against all the levels of the government which is there in the United States.  The protection which the Free Exercise clause provides is related to religious beliefs as well as religious practices of all the citizens. According to this clause, every citizen of the United States is free to follow any religion or any faith. Both of these clauses protect the same values in a way and often the violation of one clause can be seen as a violation of others. But there are also some inherent issues between both of these clauses. For example, if the government is involved so much in protecting one clause then there is a risk of violation of other clauses by the government.

Learn more:

1. Compare and contrast the middle colonies and southern colonies during the restoration era.


2. which similar challenge did china and japan face following the sino-Japanese war?


Answer details:  

Grade – High School

Subject – Constitution

Chapter –Free Exercise Clause

Keywords – Free Exercise Clause, Religion, Protection, Amendment, United States, Government, Constitution, Establishment Clause, Faith, Religion.