Any uncontrolled variable that changes systematically with the independent variable is:


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the answer is: . a confounding variable

Confounding variables refers to the variables that does not beling to either the dependent or independent variable groups, but their existence could affect the outcome of the researchs.
Confounding variables tend to make the data become invalid/inadmissible because researchers wouldn't know whether their control groups played any factors in influencing the outcome.
Answer 2

Final answer:

An uncontrolled variable that changes systematically with the independent variable is a confounding variable. It can cause an illusory correlation and alter the results of an experimental study. Care must be taken in experimental design to account for these confounding variables.


Any uncontrolled variable that changes systematically with the independent variable is referred to as a confounding variable. In an experimental study, the independent variable is controlled and manipulated by the experimenter with the intention of observing its effect on the dependent variable. However, when a confounding variable arises, it can produce an illusory correlation and induce changes in the dependent variable, thereby making the results of the study appear different than they actually are.

For instance, if a researcher is trying to study the effect of sunlight (independent variable) on plant growth (dependent variable), and doesn't take temperature (a potential confounding variable) into account, the findings may become inaccurate. This would be due to the fact that temperature also changes with sunlight and may independently affect plant growth.

Learn more about Confounding Variable here:


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Hope this helps!

A hot, dry climate is what kind of climate?



Hope it help you


Plz mark my answer brainliest✍️✍️


Nature of hot and humid climate.Hot-dry desert and semi desert climates are characterised by very hot,dry air and dry ground. hot dry weather in summer and cold in winter. very little rainfall.


Sally works for a big corporation because she wants to earn a high salary. Fred works for a not-for-profit organization because he wants to help people in medical need. This illustrates that the goals of different organizations affect _____.


If they chose these organizations because they had these goals in minds, then the goals of organizations can be said to affect the extend to which the individuals can also fulfill their goals.

If, however, they decided on these goals after getting a job there, influenced by their company and their colleges, then it can be said that the goals of the organizations affect the goals of people who work for them.

This illustrates that the goals of different organizations affect the decision of the people for whom the organization wants to work, apply and get a job, in accordance with their personal goals. Naturally, there is an option to apply somewhere for a job due to salaries and livelihoods, but in general , interested in certain goals will approach organizations with the same goals, each organization looks different, according to those who will show interest in it.

A researcher wanted to test the psychometric properties of a new intelligence test for children. She administered the test twice, two months apart, to children in a fourth-grade classroom. On the second administration, she noticed that the children who performed well were not the same children who performed well on the first administration and that there appeared to be no relationship between student performance on the first and second administration of the test. Based on this scenario, the psychological construct missing from this intelligence test is________.



test-retest reliability


Based on the scenario being described it can be said that the psychological construct missing from this intelligence test is test-retest reliability. This is a measure to see how reliable the results of a test are, and is done by administering the same test twice, after a set amount of time has passed. Such as the researcher has done in this scenario.

Answer: test-retest reliability

Explanation: In other to validate the outcome of a test or an experiment, researchers may often repeat a particular test more than once, in other to ensure that conclusion or inference drawn from the first or initial test aren't wrong. This is known as test-retest reliability. Test retest reliability involves, that the test retaken is performed under the the same condition as the first. This is to ensure that observed differences aren't due to changes in experimental conditions. In the context above, the test was conducted twice using the same participant and condition, in other to establish the validity or reliability of the first or initial test. Since the outcome of the first and second test do not conform, the intelligence test lacks test retest reliability.

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a trade-off among social and economic goals?a) An increase in the minimum wage raises unemployment.
b) A trade barrier protects jobs in the United States.
c) A military dictator seizes control of a nation's government.
d) An increase in property taxes funds a new high school.


c) A military dictator seizes control of a nation's government.

Given the many different ways to define career success, it is important for you to understand your ___________ definition


Answer:, it is important for you to understand your OWN definition

Explanation:Career success is a subjective process and because as different people we don't value the same things , what one considers as a career success may be different from what you consider as a career success.

If you don't establish your own definition of career success you will never know when when you have achieved it and you will keep searching and pursuing it based on what others define as career success so it is crucial that you find your own meaning and stick to that firmly .

This definition should be based on what you value and what you can do based on your skills.