Earth is divided into 24 A. time zones.
B. coordinates.
C. equators.
D. degrees


Answer 1
Answer: earth is divided in to 24 a.time zones
Answer 2
Answer: Earth is divided into 24 time zones

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Eighty percent (80%) of the world's forests are gone, which is contributing to


Extinction of few animal species, decline in carbon emissions.

Final answer:

Livestock farming contributes to deforestation, causing habitat loss, greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, and changes in rainfall patterns. Forest loss affects carbon sinks and increases greenhouse gas emissions. Reforestation and carbon capture technologies are essential to combat deforestation.


The statement that 80% of the world's forests are gone is not accurate. However, deforestation is a significant issue that is contributing to several negative impacts. Livestock farming accounts for a significant proportion of deforestation, leading to habitat loss, greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, and changes in rainfall patterns. Additionally, the depletion of rainforests affects carbon sinks and increases greenhouse gas emissions.

Forests and oceans are important in storing carbon, but their loss contributes to global warming. To combat deforestation and its consequences, reforestation efforts and the adoption of technologies that capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere should be supported.

Learn more about Deforestation here:


Where is the world’s longest train tunnel?



The longest train tunnel is in Switzerland.


The longest train tunnel is located in Switzerland. It came into operation after almost two decades of construction work. It is 57 kilometers long which is equal to 35 miles. It is also the deepest rail tunnel in the world. It is called the Gotthard Base Tunnel. This tunnel is constructed between the beautiful and mesmerizing views of Switzerland. Switzerland is famous for its beautiful landscapes among tourists.

One time capital of the mughal empire crossword





Agra is a medieval city on the banks of the river Yamuna in India. Agra was also the capital of the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1658.

Human migration and global trade are two factors that have altered geographic distribution of parasites. One result of this phenomenon is that humans are introduced to new infections more often, and they can be co-infected by several parasites from different species or lineages. These co-infections can result in matings between individual parasites of the different species and lineages. What biological diversity concept does this phenomenon provide evidence for?a) hybridization of species, specifically parasitesb) ecological niches
c) reproductive barriers
d) geological barriers


Answer: a) hybridization of species, specifically parasites


Hybrid speciation is a kind of speciation that is caused by reproductive isolation from the parent species. In this the hybridization occurs between the two different species which leads to the formation of new species.

The hybrid formed because of the hybridization of the species that belong to the same genus called as interspecific hybrids and those formed between different sub-species are called as intra-specific hybrids.

Here, in the given situation, the hybridization of the different species of parasites due to geographical distribution of parasite due to global trade has resulted which is responsible for co-infections.

Pacific Ring of Fire consists only of extinct volcanoes. TRUE or FALSE



  • The Pacific Ring of Fire consists of active volcanoes, not just extinct ones.
  • It is an area in the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur due to the movement of tectonic plates.

Final answer:

The statement 'Pacific Ring of Fire consists only of extinct volcanoes' is FALSE.


The Pacific Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean known for its high volcanic and seismic activity. It is a horseshoe-shaped ring that spans approximately 40,000 kilometers (25,000 miles) and is associated with a series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, volcanic belts, and plate movements.

The Ring of Fire is home to approximately 75% of the world's active volcanoes, making it a highly active volcanic region. However, it is important to note that the Ring of Fire consists not only of active volcanoes but also includes dormant and extinct volcanoes.

Extinct volcanoes are those that are no longer expected to erupt in the future. They have become inactive and have not shown any signs of volcanic activity for a significant period of time. While the Ring of Fire is known for its active volcanoes, there are also dormant and extinct volcanoes within the region.

Learn more about pacific ring of fire and the presence of extinct volcanoes here:
