A codon is made up ofA. a two-nucleotide sequence.
B. a three-nucleotide sequence.
C. a four-nucleotide sequence.
D. a five-nucleotide sequence.


Answer 1
Answer: A three nucleotide sequence. On mRNA, once it enters the ribosomes codons, ie AGU (adenine, guanine and uracil) is a codon, and is then paired with an anticodon of complementary bases which create a link of amino acids to create a protein.
Answer 2
Answer: The first path is fromthe nucleus. DNA from the nucleus, assigns specific job for the organelles tofollow through mRNA. The mRNA goes out from the nucleus and enters thecytoplasm where ribosomes will attach to the mRNA. The ribosome-mRNAcombination binds to the endoplasmic reticulum and signals the tRNA to translatethe message from DNA. The rRNA contains codons that will be used for the translationof the messages by the tRNA. These codons has a three – nucleotide sequence. Avesicle that contains the enzyme grows out from the endoplasmc reticulum anstransport the enzyme to the Golgi body for further processing. The answer isletter B.

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Analyze: Cellular respiration involves two phases. The anaerobic phase does not involve oxygen, while the aerobic phase does. Where does each phase take place?



The anerobic part takes place in the fluid part of the cytoplasm while the aerobic part takes place in the mitochondria


Cellular respiration involves two phases: anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic phase occurs in the cytoplasm, while the aerobic phase takes place in the mitochondria.

Cellular respiration involves two phases: anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic phase, also known as glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Here, glucose is broken down into pyruvate without the need for oxygen. The aerobic phase, which includes the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. In this phase, pyruvate is further broken down with the help of oxygen to produce energy-rich molecules called ATP.

Learn more about Cellular respiration here:



Two siblings live in a two-story house with a heating and cooling unit for each floor. The two have decided to conduct an experiment to determine the need to turn both units on throughout the daytime during the winter to stay warm. They decided to use both units for two weeks and recorded their observations. The following two weeks, they only used the downstairs unit and recorded their observations.

Every day they charted whether upstairs and downstairs were either too cold, cold, warm, too warm, or hot. They tallied their results, learning that the two weeks of using both units; the house was a bit too warm. The month where only the downstairs unit was used, they noted downstairs and upstairs were warm. This did not support their prediction that it would be cold.

They began to wonder how upstairs could still be warm during the daytime when only using the downstairs unit. What is the best possible explanation for upstairs being warm throughout the winter month when they only turned on the downstairs unit?





Hot air rises as it has less particles and more volume. This means that when they heat downstairs, the hot air rises to the top. Then, it cools and sinks because cold air has more particles and less volume. It heats up again from the downstairs unit and the cycle keeps going. This is called convection


The volume of warm air expands and rises, warming the whole house through convection.


Gathering information with your eyes is called.A. central vision
B. peripheral vision
C. rubbernecking
D. visual perception

Please support your answer with short comment ;)


Gathering information with your eyes is called visual perception. Option “D” is considered the correct option. Under normal circumstances light is received by the eye. This light is then broken down into two parts and they are peripheral vision and central vision. The information then gets transferred to the brain which is then analysed to extract the actual information. This is place for getting the actual perception. This is how the visual perception works with the help of the eye.

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Flamingos are born white, but they turn pink because of the food they eat; this is an example of how environment, a physical factor, can affect phenotypes.

The phenotype is the visible physical or biochemical characteristic of an individual organism which is determined by both genetic factors (genotype) and environmental influences. There are many environmental factors and they include diet, climate, illness and stress. If environmental factors have a strong influence this means the phenotypic plasticity is high (capable to change).

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the virus injects the genetic info. this can be RNA or DNA. retroviruses inject RNA. after injection, the host cell transcription/translation machinery is hijacked and starts making virus proteins from the viral genes.