The answer is histrionic personality disorder.
Further explanation:
When we consider personality disorder, traits like submissiveness, emotional liability and hostility would come in the trait of histrionic personality. Historic personality disorder is a cluster B personality disorder which is also referred as dramatic personality disorders.
People with histrionic personality disorders have unstable and intense emotions. They have distorted self-images. Their self esteem depends on the other person’s approval. These people often behave inappropriately or dramatically to get attention.
People with a histrionic personality disorder become uncomfortable unless an individual is the center of attention. They are overly concerned with their physical appearance. People with this disorder constantly seek approval from others. These people don’t show concern for others.
People with a histrionic personality disorder don’t think before acting. They make rash decisions and they are sensitive to disapproval or criticism. These people lack sincerity as they act very dramatically in front of others.
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Answer details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Histrionic Personality Disorder
Keywords: personality, submissiveness, hostility, disorder, decision, sensitive, histrionic, appearance
The answer is :Radiocarbon dating
In radiocarbon dating, we use a radioactive isotope of carbon in organic material as our main factor of measurement.
Before this method started to become popular, the method that is used to determine the age of artifact was by measuring how deep it's burried, which is far more unreliable since there would be many factors that can caused the depth of the burial beside the age.
A secretary, administrator or personal assistant, is an administrator who support to the management, working for CEOs, executives, and other management positions.
The answer is, the way of Mary's diminishing.
Some spurious records express that at the season of her prearranged engagement to Joseph, Mary was 12– 14 years of age, and he was ninety years of age, yet such records are problematic. As indicated by antiquated Jewish custom, Mary could have been pledged at around 12.So, as per convention, Mary was 14– 16 years of age when Jesus was conceived. Given that Jesus kicked the bucket at 33, that would make her 47– 49 years of age at His passing. Joseph and Mary were hitched, as per Jewish custom, at Mary's home in the environs of Nazareth when Joseph was twenty-one years of age.
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4