"a certain sprinkler releases water at the rate of 150 liters per hour. if the sprinkler operated for 80 minutes, how many liters of water will be released?"


Answer 1

The amount of water released is mathematically given as


What is the amount of water that will be released?

Question Parameters:

a certain sprinkler releases water at the rate of 150 liters per hour.

operated for 80 minutes,

hours in 80min is

h80=80 minutes × (1 hour /60 minutes)

h80= 1.3333 hours.

Generally, the equation for the volume of water  is mathematically given as

V=flow rate/time



Read more about volume


Answer 2

Final answer:

When a sprinkler releases water at a rate of 150 liters per hour, it will release 200 liters of water in 80 minutes.


This is a basic math problem involving units of measure and time conversion. The sprinkler releases water at a rate of 150 liters per hour. If it operates for 80 minutes, you will need to first convert the 80 minutes to hours since the rate is provided in liters per hour. 80 minutes is equal to 1.33.. hours (80/60 = 1.33..). Now, to find out how many liters of water will be released, multiply the hours by the rate of release. So, 1.33.. hours * 150 liters per hour = 200 liters. Therefore, the sprinkler will release 200 liters of water in 80 minutes.

Learn more about Time Conversion here:



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I'm not sure what you mean...

When you eat a hamburger, you digest it and it turn into energy for your body. This is a chemical reaction

Also, a hamburger is 354 calories. Here is a pic of the nutrition facts:
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Wow !  This is not simple, Shoot, and I give you a lot of credit
and an extra merit badge if you're generally keeping up with it.

I scratched my head for a few minutes, and I think I've got it.
Here's what I think is going on:

KE₁ = KE of the box before pushing
               (1/2) (m) (speed²) = 10 x 2² = 40 joules

KE₂ = KE of the box after pushing 3m
               (1/2) (m) (speed²) = 10 x 4² = 160 joules

The box gained (160 - 40) = 120 J of kinetic energy.

Now look at the cluttered force diagram.
Cat's component of force in the direction of motion is 120N.
That's the part of her force that does the work on the box.
How much work does she do ?

     (force) x (distance) = (120N) x (3m) = 360 joules .

Only 120 J of that energy showed up as increased kinetic energy
of the box.  The other 240J of her hard-earned work was consumed
by friction.

       Work of friction = (Friction force) x (distance)

               240 J        = (friction force)  x  (3 m)

              240 J / 3 m  =  friction 'force'  =  80 N . 

I think that's it.

What I did was:

-- Find the work that Cat did.

-- Find the increase in the kinetic energy of the box.

-- The difference ... the 'missing energy' ... was the work done
by friction in the same distance.

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Golden Gate Park is a proper noun, so Park should be capitalized in this sentence.  

The correct sentence would be

A great place to visit on a sunny afternoon is Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.