A change from one form of energy into another is calleda. gravitational potential energy.
b. work.
c. conservation of energy.
d. an energy transformation.


Answer 1
Answer: A change from one form of energyinto another is called conservation of energy. The answer is letter C. youcannot create something and destroy it. An example is eating food. You can seefood as how as a physical being. However, when you eat the food, the digestiveenzymes in your stomach helps break down the food into smaller form. The chemicalenergy in the food is being changed into mechanical energy. You need food toperform the necessary activities in your life. 
Answer 2

Answer: d. an energy transformation.


Gravitational potential energy is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position.

Work is defined as the force leading to displacement of the point of application in the direction of the force.

Law of conservation of energy, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only transformed from one form to another.

Energy transformation occurs when one form of energy is converted into another form. For example : A body in rest possess potential energy and when it moves potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

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URGENT PLEASE BRAINLIESTAssuming the starting height is 0.0 m, calculate the potential energy of the cart after it has been elevated to a height of 1.0 m above the starting location


When the cart arrives at any place that's 1.0 meter higher than where it started, its potential energy will be

(9.8) · (its mass on kilograms)  Joules .  

Final answer:

Potential Energy is given by the formula mass x gravity x height. The starting height is irrelevant in its calculation. The potential energy depends on the mass of the object, gravity and the elevated height.


The potential energy of an object is calculated by the formula Potential Energy = mass x gravity x height. Whenever the height of an object increases, its potential energy will increase as well provided mass and the  gravitational field (g) remain constant. Here, the starting height being 0.0 m is irrelevant to the calculation of potential energy at 1.0 m height. If the mass of the cart and the value of gravity (usually taken as 9.8 m/s2 on Earth's surface) are known, you can substitute those values into the formula to find the potential energy.

e.g. If the mass of the cart was 2 kg, the potential energy at a height of 1.0 m would be 2 kg x 9.8 m/s


x 1.0 m = 19.6 joules.

Learn more about Potential Energy here:



sophia exerts a steady 40n horizontal force on a 8kg resting on a lab bench. the box slides against a horizontal friction of 24n. show that the box accelerates at 2m/s 2


Force = 40 - 24 = 16N

Force = mass / acceleration

Acceleration = Force / mass

Acceleration = 16 / 8

Acceleration = 2 m/s^2
  Force = 40 - 24
= 16N.

Thus, Force = 16N.

By deducing Newton's second law of motion,

F = MA

16 = 8A

Thus, A = 16/8 = 2 m/s²

Thus, the object accelerates at 2m/s²

Chanel has some cotton candy that came in a cloudy shape. She wants to make it more dense. Which describes the candy before and after Chanel manipulated it?



The candy before was fluffy, and the candy after was compacted.


Final answer:

The cloudy cotton candy was light and fluffy due to the air incorporated in it. After Chanel made it dense, the candy became compact and heavier, as she decreased the volume and maintained or increased the amount of sugar.


The cotton candy that Chanel had originally was described as being in a cloudy shape. This suggests that it was light, fluffy, and probably had a lot of air incorporated into it, which is why it was able to maintain such a shape. After she manipulated it to make it more dense, the cotton candy would have lost its cloudy appearance. Instead, it would have become heavier and more compact, because decreasing the amount of air in it increases its density. In other words, the volume of the cotton candy has decreased, but the amount of sugar within that volume has remained the same or increased.

Learn more about Density here:



Law of conservation of momentum


Hey There! The law of conservation of momentum is "For a collision between object 1 and object 2 in an isolated system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision" Have A Brainly Day!

If anyone knows how to do any of these PLEASE help me....im am so confused rn and our teacher sucks at explaining this stuff......


take 68.2/60 = 1.137 hr
take 56.9/1.137 = 50.043 mi/hr

take 189/211 = 0.896

24.8/2 = 12.4 m
12.4/82.3 = 0.15s

Well, five answers for only five points is pretty slim.  But I've already got
a lot of points, and your plea for help sounds so desperate, that I think
I ought to jump in here and relieve some of your pain.

These aren't difficult problems.  The bummer is that whoever wrote them
got so interested in his dinosaur stories that he kind of hid the actual Math
and Physics under all kinds of stuff that doesn't matter.

1).     Speed  =  (distance covered) / (time to cover the distance)

                       =    (56.9 miles)  /  (68.2 minutes)

                       =      (56.9 / 68.2)  miles/minute

                       =          0.834  mile per minute.

BUT ... the question wants to know the speed in 'mph' ... miles per hour.

Well ... there are 60 minutes in an hour.  If 0.834 mile in covered in 1 minute,
then 60 times as much would be covered in 1 hour.

                    (0.834 mile/minute)  x  (60 minute/hour)  =  50.06 mile/hour

            Rounded to no decimal places  =  50 mph

2).  Use the same formula:

         Speed  =  (distance covered) / (time to cover the distance)

                       =    (189 meters)  /  (211 seconds)

                       =      (189 / 211)  meters/seconds

                       =          0.8957 meters/second

     Round to 3 decimal places:      0.896  m/s

3).  The attacker jumped from 24.8 meters away.
       He already covered half of the distance.
       How far away is he now ?      1/2 of 24.8 m  =  12.4 m .
       He still has 12.4 meters left to go.

       He's moving at 82.3 meters per second.
       When will he arrive here ?

       Time  =  (distance)  /  (speed)

                  =      (12.4 meters)  /  (82.3 m/s)

                  =          (12.4 / 82.3)  seconds

                  =              0.1506 second

       Two decimal places:    0.15 second

4).    Distance  =  (speed) x (time)

                          =  ( 237 km/hr)  x (16.8 seconds) .

Do you see the problem here ?  We have the distance covered in an hour,
but we need to know how much distance is covered in only 16.8 seconds.
We really need to work out the speed in (meters per second).

OK.  237 km = 237,000 meters, so the speed is  237,000 meters/hour.

1 hour is 3,600 seconds. 
So the speed is only one 3600th of 237,000 meters in 1 second.

           (237,000 meters/hour) x (1 hour / 3600 seconds)  =  65.8333 m/s

           Distance  =  (speed)  x  (time)

                            =  (65.8333 meter/second)  x  (16.8 seconds)

                            =   (65.8333 x 16.8)  meters

                            =      1106 meters.     

5).  This is a nasty trick question.  The whole story is irrelevant,
and we don't even care how far Vinny dropped.

Anything that drops on Earth falls with the acceleration of gravity.
It doesn't matter how big or heavy or small or light it is.
Everything falls with the acceleration of gravity on Earth ...  about   9.8 m/s²  .

Research indicates that inattentional blindness often decreases when people work on tasks that require a great deal of attention. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F





Inattentionla blindness is a condition that happens when you overview or do not notice an object that is not supposed to be in a certain place and that is strange for its context because you are paying attention to something else, this means that if you do a task that needs a great deal of attention you will actually increase the inattentional blindness.

The correct answer is F