How has Judaism evolved into a culture?A)It has developed more than thirteen million followers.B)It has spread throughout multiple countries. C)It has followers who are born into the faith.D) It has guidance about dress and rites of passage.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is letter C. 

Judaism evolved into a culture because of its followers that are born into faith. This happened in the beginning during the time of Moses in Mt. Sinai where he was with newly freed Hebrews. This was the time when the 613 statutes were tailored for tribes who were trekking in search for nationhood. They were ancient people who were lost and needed a sense of understanding about how the world should work. Eventually, their beliefs were rooted to an existence where love, fairness, and goodness rules during their lifetime.
Answer 2

I just took the test it is D

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The Songhay Empire replaced the JenneMoroccanGhanaMali Empire.


The answer to the question presented above would be the 'Mali Empire'. The Songhay Empire replaced the Mali empire. The Mali empire fell down because of the death of their ruler and the dispute on whether who was to succeed it.

The Songhaye mpire replaced the Mali empire.

Further explanations:

The Mali Empire was among the most relevant kingdom of West Africa established by Sundiata Keita and is believed to have existed somewhat around 1200 CE. Though in the beginning the Kingdom started as a small faction but was soon able to expand its territories to the areas of the Niger River. The early history of the empire is not clearly stated but the empire was able to flourish itself through the trans- Saharan trade route during the 14th  century having trade with both national and international kingdoms.  

During 1460’s civil war broke in the kingdom because of the trade routes construction. It weakened the administration of the Kingdom and opened the door for the foreign invaders. The demise of the Mali Empire became the reason for the strengthening of the Songhai Empire. They captured the territories of the Mali Empire and established themselves as one of the largest empires of its era.

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Answer Details

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: Mali Empire


Mali Empire, West Africa, Sundiata Keita, Niger River, trans- Saharan, trade route, national, international,kingdoms, foreign, invaders,

Songhai Empire,

Charles X became king of France in ___?



  • 16 September 1824


Upon Louis XVIII's demise in 1824, Charles became king as Charles X.  His rule sensationalized the disappointment of the Bourbons, after their reclamation, to accommodate the custom of the government by perfect directly with the majority rule soul delivered in the wake of the French Revolution.

Charles X became king of France in the year 1824 after the death of his brother Louis XVIII.

Charles X became king of France in?

Charles X became king of France in 1824 following the death of his brother, Louis XVIII. He belonged to the Bourbon dynasty and was seen as a staunch conservative. During his reign, Charles X pursued policies that favored the aristocracy and the Catholic Church, leading to growing discontent among the middle class and liberals. His attempts to restrict press freedom, dissolve the legislature, and expand the power of the monarchy ultimately sparked the July Revolution of 1830. Charles X was overthrown, and Louis Philippe, the "Citizen King," succeeded him, marking the end of the Bourbon Restoration and the beginning of the July Monarchy in France.

Learn more on Bourbon Restoration here;


Should students be required to do homework? explain




The question of whether students should be required to do homework is a subject of debate in education, and opinions on this matter can vary. The answer depends on various factors, including the age of the students, the nature of the homework, and the educational philosophy of the school or district. Here are some arguments both for and against requiring students to do homework:

Arguments in Favor of Homework:

   Reinforcement of Learning: Homework can serve as a valuable tool to reinforce what students have learned in class. It provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during lessons.

   Independent Learning: Homework encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and develop independent study habits. It can teach time management, organization, and self-discipline.

   Preparation for Assessments: Homework assignments can prepare students for upcoming tests or assessments. They offer a chance to review and consolidate their understanding of the material.

   Parental Involvement: Homework can foster communication between parents and their children about what is being taught in school. It provides parents with insights into their child's education and allows them to offer support.

Arguments Against Homework:

  Overload: Excessive homework can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of balance in students' lives. It can take away from valuable family and recreational time, potentially leading to negative effects on mental and physical health.

   Inequity: Not all students have access to the same resources at home, such as a quiet study space, internet access, or parental help. This can create disparities in the ability to complete homework assignments.

  Quality Over Quantity: Critics argue that the focus should be on the quality of learning in the classroom rather than the quantity of homework. Effective teaching in school should minimize the need for excessive homework.

   Lack of Engagement: Some students may not find homework engaging or relevant to their learning. If the assignments do not align with their interests or abilities, they may view homework as a chore rather than a learning opportunity.

In conclusion, the question of whether students should be required to do homework is complex and multifaceted. It's essential to strike a balance between the potential benefits of homework and the potential drawbacks. Many educators advocate for thoughtful, purposeful homework assignments that align with learning objectives and take into account students' needs and well-being. Ultimately, the decision about whether to require homework should be made with a consideration of the individual needs and circumstances of the students, along with a focus on effective pedagogy and student well-being.

Which statement best describes an effect of the baby boom generation today?The US population is becoming more diverse.
The US population is becoming older.
The US population is becoming younger.
The US population is becoming healthier.


The population of the United States is becoming more diverse, which also indicates a baby boom generation in the country.

What is the significance of US population?

United States is among the most populated countries in the world. It currently ranks at third position in terms of population, with only India and China ahead of it.

The distribution of the age groups, gender, and other such factors of the population of the UnitedStates has become dynamic.

Hence, option A holds true regarding the US population.

Learn more about the US population here:


The correct answer is: A

Gorbachev's _______________ policy was aimed at allowing more freedom of speech and expression.


Answer:    Glasnost - transparency

Explanation:  Volume is one of the measures implemented by Mikhail Gorbachev during his reign from 1985 to 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. It was a measure of open and transparent management, wider and more open information delivery, all with the aim, together with Perestroika, to implement the reforms. The reforms were carried out due to the accumulated problems in economy and the ineffective and slow communist bureaucracy, because it was estimated that it was necessary to keep up with the world that was already at that time going to change.

glasnost (censorship was relaxed)

but another of his policies was
perestoika (restructuring) - economic reforms to make the Russian economy more efficient

In 1520, Ferdinand Magellan led the first successful attempt to sail all the way around the world. This votage proved that.


It proved that the world was round to all the people who didn't believe so then.