Which event was the first to cause tension between the Soviet Union and President Kennedy?


Answer 1

Answer:Soviet missiles found in Cuba


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The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following excepta. the destruction of soil.b. a great demand for controlled labor.c. soaring prosperity in the colony.d. diversification of the colony's economy.



d. diversification of the colony's economy


Jamestown was a small colony that was focused only around one thing when it came to making a profit, thus being totally economically dependent on one crop, or rather cash crop. The cash crop that was cultivated was the tobacco. Since the introduction of the tobacco in the Old World, it became very popular, and the demand for it was constantly on the rise, while also maintaining a very nice prize. This led to constant increase in production, thus more and more labor was also needed, and that was largely obtained by the slaves. While the tobacco was making a lot of profit, and brought lot of prosperity to Jamestown, still it made its economy very vulnerable in case of a bad year of the tobacco.

write a paragraph explaining what lessons can be learned from the McCarthy era about what the U.S citizens need to protect in order to preserve the democratic political system and American way of life.


The McCarthy Era was one of the darkest chapters in AmericanHistory.  The U.S. government was sodetermined to root out Communist threats in their country.  Their suspicion was stronger than theirbetter judgment and as a result, many innocent were unjustly accused of eitherbeing communist spies or sympathizers. Some lost their careers while others were sentenced unjustly.  It is a grim reminder that we should letparanoia rule our actions.  We must alsodefend our freedoms against any unlawful arrest without any proof.  Our freedom and understanding is far tooimportant for us to take for granted. That Era nearly took it away from us.  We must never let it happen again.

Following World War 2, as the Cold War developed and the Soviet Union was gathering allies, there was much fear -- and fear-mongering -- in the United States about the threat of communism.   This time period, from the late 1940s to late 1950s, is known as the Second Red Scare.  This was when the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created and when Senator Joseph McCarthy began a campaign of accusations against suspected communists in various sectors of American life.  During the Second Red Scare, many people were targeted -- including especially those in the entertainment industry, journalism, and in government and the military.  The lessons learned from the McCarthy era showed that the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights must be vigorously defended.  If individual's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of association are called into question, and due process of law is not followed, everything America stands for can come under attack.

A good film you might look for on the subject of McCarthy's fear campaign and how it was overcome is the 2005 movie, "Good Night and Good Luck."  The film shows the efforts of journalist Edward R. Murrow to battle against McCarthy's excesses and unfounded accusations.  It was especially through the efforts of Murrow that McCarthy's excessive actions were stopped.

Which statement best describes how Hebrew beliefs developed? a. Hebrew beliefs were a reflection of what the Hebrews learned from the Egyptians.
b. Hebrew beliefs developed over time.
c. Hebrew beliefs were all revealed in the Torah from the beginning.
d. Hebrew beliefs showed that God did not really care how people treated one another.


c. Hebrew beliefs were all revealed in the Torah from the beginning.

Judaism was formerly a religion in which policies are about monotheism mostly and about Jews in context to law and morality. As centuries past by, Judaism has faced and influenced a lot of people throughout generations in the Hebrew people and this religion now became a lifestyle, most people in the old times had set specific occasion such as the Sabbath, the burning of incense and worship to YHWH. As this became the norm, the people also become in unison to the laws and doctrines of this religion that it has been a culture, the norm –not to kill, steal, worship other Gods, commit adultery, cannibalism and etc. 

Pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe led to all of the following EXCEPT:a. emigration of thousands of Jews to the United States.
b. larger populations of Jews in eastern Europe.
c. the growth of Zionism.
d. political parties that endorsed anti-Semitism.

According to Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity,:
a. if all material things disappear out of the universe, only other stuff would remain.
b. only space and time exist independently of the human experience.
c. if all material things disappear out of the universe, time and space would disappear with them.


I think the correct answer from the choices in the first question would be option B. Pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe led to all of the following except larger populations of Jews in eastern Europe.

For the second question, I believe the correct answer from the choices listed is option B. According to Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity, only space and time exist independently of the human experience.

Which country is dealing with an independence movement totally based upon language?


Right now it would be Canada: the language split is between French (Quebec) and English (the rest).

Some historical examples was Pakistan were Bangladesh (Bangla and not Urdu speaking) did in the end gain independence.




i just took the test

In exchange for land a knight agrees to be a sort of sub vassel, this agreement was known as blank?


In exchange for land, a knight agrees to be a sort of sub vassal, and this agreement was known as subinfeudation. 
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