Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a family with a strong foundation?a. similar interests
b. mutual respect
c. commitment to one another
d. effective communication


Answer 1
Answer: A strong foundation in a family would mean that the family members trust each other, can rely on each other and can deal with any possible conflicts.

For this, respect and commitment are necessary (for trust and being able to rely on each other) and in order to deal with conflicts effective communication is necessary.

The one thing which is not necessary is a. similar interests - this is the correct answer 
Answer 2

the answer is(A) SIMILAR INTERESTS

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The correct answer is: to entertain.

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Answer: to entertain


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Learn more about traits here:



New Age: How do we know what is right and wrong?



we know what is right or wrong from our life

Final answer:

The concept of right and wrong can be understood through multiple frameworks which include religious beliefs, societal norms, natural laws, and individual moral compasses. Philosophers like Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas played significant roles in shaping our understanding of ethics. Meanwhile, frameworks like the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism, provide a clear path towards understanding right and wrong.


Understanding what is right and wrong is a complex task that draws from various sources of ethical frameworks. These sources can range from religious beliefs, societal norms, natural laws, to individual moral compasses. The philosophical conundrum called the Euthyphro problem poses an interesting question in this context: Is something good because God commands it or does God command it because it's good?

The medieval philosopher Augustine of Hippo proposed that many things we claim to know are actually based on faith. This means that our ethics, including our understanding of right and wrong, are often tied with both faith and knowledge.

Thomas Aquinas laid out a structure of four types of laws: eternal, natural, human, and divine. He posited that human laws should be in accordance with natural laws, establishing further connection between our natural world and moral judgments.

Additionally, ethical naturalism suggests that fulfilling human nature results in good actions, while distorting it results in evil actions. Thus, our nature itself may guide us towards understanding right and wrong.

Religious practices like in Buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path serves as a moral guide providing a clear framework for ethical actions.

Learn more about Ethical Frameworks here:



Which of the following is an example of earned income?a. A paycheck you receive for work you have done
b. Interest on money you lent to a friend
c. A gift of money from a friend or family member
d. Money you receive from a company you invested in


Earned income is the income you earn: that is that you get as a result of  your work. This is most typically a salary, but it could also be from tips and similar sources. the correct answer is

a. A paycheck you receive for work you have done