During the medieval ages, Christianity had a big impact and influence in Europe, a good example is the widespread of Mass Celebration. Thus, the right answer is option B, A villager attends Mass where bread and wine are said to become the body and blood of Jesus. At this time, Mass was celebrated by the priest in Latin, and only few people like the aristocracy and the priests could study and have access to books. On the opposite hand, villagers were forced to work and to believe in what was written in the Bible.
special-purpose district
It was signed by President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Israeli Priminister Menachem Begin. This was signed on 1978. As a result Egypt and Israel made peace. This drew mixed reactions as the Palestinians were against it but some organizations hailed as a major development in the Middle East. It was done through the efforts of U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Sadat and Begin would both be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The “Kill an Indian, Save a Man” play was play by the US government. The government would send Indian children to boarding school. In this school, children were raise and taught to be “white” Americans. The Indian children were forced to stop talking in their native language and were forced to abandon their Indian Culture.