The fibrous outer layer of the eye which retains the overall shape of the eye is the _____. sclera cornea aqueous humor iris


Answer 1
Answer: The best answer is Sclera.The sclera is the tough outer coat of the eye that covers the eyeball except for the cornea. It is a tough opaque tissue that serves as the protective outermost coat of the eye and provides structure and strength to the eye.It is also known as the white of the eye.Attached to the sclera, are six small muscles that control the movement of the eye.In elderly people, the sclera may appear yellow in color.
Answer 2

the sclrea. hope it helps.

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C. Animals must be able to conserve heat when temperatures drop. 

The protoplasm and cytoplasm of a plant are interchangeable terms


No. These two terms aren't interchangeable. 
Protoplasm is the living content of a cell which is surrounded by a plasma membrane called the cell membrane. It is composed of a mixture of small molecules including ions, amino acids, monosaccharides and water, and macromolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides.
In eukaryotes,  the protoplasm surrounding the cell nucleus is known as the cytoplasm.


The answer is FALSE!!!

The cytoplasm is protoplasm that surrounds the nucleus. All the organic substances of the cell are referred to as the protoplasm. The cytoplasm and the nucleus make up the protoplasm.

Hope this helps!!

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a climax community?a. high levels of biodiversity
b. presence of complex organisms
c. conditions suitable for all organisms
d. experiences no change


d. experiences no change

Those traits that a climax community experiences have a tremendous amount of rapid happenings over its course in time. The increase of biodiversity, the rising of those more complex organisms for example humans or mammals for that matter, the reshaping of the earth's biosphere.  

Answer: d. experience no change


An ecological succession is a phenomena of gradual changes that occur in the biotic community of the ecosystem with respect to changes occurring in non-living components of the environment in a particular time frame until the ecosystem attains stability.

A climax community is the community which develops at the end of the ecological succession. It is the stage of ecological succession which does not require any change in terms of biotic community and the surrounding non-living environment.

Complete the sentence.Around1900, European nations built up their military forces, formed alliances, and expanded their colonial holdings in their efforts toA. force their enemies to start wars.
B. maintain a balance of power.
C. put a conscription system in place.
D. end the spirit of militarism.


B. maintain a balance of power.

The alliances among nations in Europe was established to maintain a balance of power in the region.

The correct answer is option B) Maintain a balance of power.

I just did the exam, good luck guys <3

What is binomial nomenclature ?


There is a system of naming species in biology called binomial nomenclature. It is based on the use of two Latinized names for the identification and classification of each species and was created by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century.

In this system each species is given a separate two-part scientific name, consisting of a genus name (the first part) and a species epithet (the second part). The species epithet is written in lower case, but the genus name begins with a capital letter. When written by hand, names are either underlined or printed in italics. Additionally, whenever a scientific name is used in prose, the full name is often italicized.

Learn more about Bionomial nomenclature, here:


It's the naming/classifying system
The first word in it is the genus and the second word is the species. The first letter in the genus has to be capitalized and both words have to be underlined

Which of the following changes igneous or sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock? A.) heat and pressure
B.) heat and weathering
C.) water and weathering
D.) water and pressure


The answer is letter a. Being subjected to immense heat and the experience of pressure due to being far below the Earth's surface can change igneous or sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks.

Thank you for posting your question. I hope you found what you were after. Please feel free to ask me more.


The formation of metamorphic rocks takes place when either sedimentary or igneous rocks are subjected to immense pressure and heat.

Further Explanation:

Rocks are found on earth as metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous. The name is based on how these rocks are formed. The shells, sand particles, and pebbles form the sedimentary rocks. These particles are called sediments and their accumulation into layers results in the formation of rocks as they gradually harden over time. The igneous rocks are formed as a result of cooling followed by hardening of magma under the Earth's surface. The metamorphic rocks are formed due to metamorphosis which takes place below the surface of the Earth as a result of application of heat and pressure.

The change of one rock type into another over a period of time is termed as metamorphosis or rock cycle. The increase in pressure and heat due to stress can change a solid rock into a new type of rock. The temperature increases because of the deeper buried layers of sediments below the Earth's surface. As the layers descend the temperature increases gradually for every proceeding kilometer. The temperature becomes even hotter as the layer turns deeper. As the weight of every subsequent layer increases, it also increases the pressure which in turn causes a further increase in temperature.

Metamorphism can occur in two ways:

1. The rocks come in contact with each other as the plates slide over one another producing a shearing effect. This causes the descending rocks to change.

2. The descending rocks might also melt due to friction. The melted is considered as the igneous rock but the rock adjacent to it might become a metamorphic rock due to the production of heat.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

2. Learn more about eukaryotic cells

3. Learn more about DNA and RNA

Answer Details:

Grade: Higher secondary

Subject: Biology

Chapter: The Rock Cycle


Rock cycle, types of rock, sedimentary rock, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, magma, Earth’s surface, metamorphosis.