It would be A
Why? Without specificity you can not plan something clearly.
c. -ITIS
b. -OSIS
Vitamins that are stored in the body for a short time; they should be ingested daily: Fat-soluble Vitamins.
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Answer: This is incorrect.
The vitamins that is stored in the fat cells of the body. These vitamins are not taken by the body on a regular basis. It gets stored in the body once it is ingested.The stored vitamins is used when required by the body. These vitamins are known as fat soluble vitamins. Example: Vitamin K, E, A, D
The water soluble vitamins can be defined as the vitamins which has to be ingested on regular basis. The water soluble vitamins needs not to be stored in the body they are excreted from the body by getting dissolved in water. So, these vitamins has to be ingested on a daily basis. Example: Vitamin C.
Excess water, salts, uric acids, and chemicals from the blood are removed with the help of the kidneys that are present in the abdominal cavity, and the main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood.
Humans rely on their kidneys to maintain body homeostasis and make internal organs function properly, nephrons are monomeric units that are responsible for blood filtration and excretory material removal, such as uric acid removal in humans. The kidneys maintain body homeostasis by secreting hormones as well, and any damage to the kidneys results in a potentially fatal condition in the body.
Hence, excess water, salts, uric acids, and chemicals from the blood are removed with the help of the kidneys that are present in the abdominal cavity, and the main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood.
Learn more about the significance of the kidneys here.
The Kidneys removes excess water, salts, uric acids, and chemicals from the blood.