When you divide fractions, you want to use keep change flip.
You keep the 1st fraction, change the division sign into a multiplication sign, then flip the last fraction.
Let’s use 3/4 ÷ 2/3
Keep 3/4 the same, change the division sign into a multiplication sign, and flip 2/3 so that it is 3/2
It’ll look like this
3/4 x 3/2
Now just multiply the numerators, 2 x 3, then multiply the demoninators, 4 x 2.
You get 6/8
Simplify this number and you get 3/4.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask.
Hope this helps.
(2)They can all be solved.
(3)Euler paths are the same as Hamilton paths.
(4)All vertices must be used once in Hamilton circuits.
2 and 4
Step-by-step explanation:
I think option C) is the correct answer.