Darby is taking a hike. She sees a pile of broken rocks near the base of a cliff. The area is a dangerous place for ROCKFALLS.
Rockfalls are a type of instability movements produced by lack of support that involve a small amount of land. It is usually rocks that fall down a slope, due to the loss of support that sustained them.
In the rockfalls, also called overturns, the case of the collapse of a rocky column in a cliff can be included, due to the erosion in the base of the same, which would be the case of this question.
B) are closer to major urban areas
C) have large expansions of flat land
D) experience of frequent flooding
The third alternative is correct (C).
The mechanization of agriculture is the result of technological development and can be beneficial to the agroindustrial sector, since it can increase the productivity of the land. Unfortunately, this can increase unemployment, since the machines replace the workers.
However, mechanization of agriculture is indicated for environments where there is a flatter ground, where the machines can function properly.
b. False
b. False
Social Responsibility Programmes are developed when companies voluntarily adopt attitudes, behaviors and actions that promote the well-being of their internal and external audiences. It is a voluntary practice as it should not be confused solely with compulsory actions imposed by the government or any external incentives (such as tax). The concept, in this view, involves the benefit of the community, whether it is related to the internal public (employees, shareholders, etc.) or external actors (community, partners, environment, etc.).
Some examples: