Antibodies are produced when the body is exposed to antigens.
During an initial encounter with a foreign antigen, the body's immune system namely the adaptive arm of the immune system, produces memory cells, a group of special lymphocytes that retain and store memory of the antigen.
On a second encounter with the same kind of antigen, the immune system "remembers" the antigen and mounts a rapid, specific and vigorous immune response against the antigen. This response includes the production of massive amounts of antibodies very specific to the antigen.
The antibodies effectively neutralize the antigen and facilitate its destruction.
C. Antigens
Antibodies a protein formed by immune-responsive cells that is specific for a particular antigen and can bind to it to inactivate or destroy it.
Hope that helps!!
Answer and Explanation:
The human being has a bone system made up of 206 bones that grow and develop in childhood and adolescence. Thanks to these bones, people can stand up and move around. The function of the bone system is to support the body, allow locomotion, and protect the organs. The bones that make up the system are linked through joints and are made up of a class of cells known as osteocytes.
The bones form various cavities that protect the internal organs from possible trauma. For example, the skull protects the brain from hits, and the rib cage, made up of ribs and sternum, protects the lungs and heart. On the other hand, various minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are stored in the bones, not only to provide them with hardness, but to later use them as an input in muscle contraction and other organic processes
none of the above
layering is the answer :)))))))))))
B) Oxygen is used for respiration and carbon dioxide is a waste product.
C) Nitrogen is used for respiration and carbon dioxide is a waste product.
D) Carbon dioxide is needed for respiration and oxygen is a waste product.