Los fenómenos naturales son cambios que se dan en la naturaleza y que afectan comunidades de manera positiva o negativa, aunque también pueden no influir.
En mi comunidad, la ciudad de La Plata, en abril del año 2013 ocurrió una inundación provocada por la cantidad de lluvia que cayó en un día; la misma cantidad que solía llover en varios meses durante el año. Por eso mismo, la ciudad se inundó y esto afectó negativamente a la comunidad, ya que varias personas murieron a causa de esto.
In this exercise, you have to answer a question about a natural phenomena you have lived. To complete the question correctly, you should know about natural phenomena and natural disasters vocabulary. If Spanish is not your first language, it is important you write the answer once, and then check if the words are well written and if the paragraphs make sense.
the numerical format for writing dates in Spanish.
Problems someone traveling to a Spanish-speaking nation might face are being talked about, not knowing who to talk to, and not knowing how to get around or order food.
If you don't know how to speak the language have someone you know that knows tha language go with you because you will not know what to do and you will be stuck.
The people are typically very conscious of exercise and diet.
O The people are known for their education and manners.
The people have a strong Greek heritage.
O The people are known for their education and manners.
Bogotá, Colo.mbia is known as "The Athens of Latin America" because:
O The people are known for their education and manners
The people are known for their education and manners.