The invertebrates lack a backbone. They include molluscs, annelida, arthropods and protozoa. They have a segmented body and well developed digestive system. Some are mostly found in sea, land or deserts. Some invertebrates lack a rigid exoskeleton. Some are pseudocoelum, possessing cavity between body wall. Some invertebrates have an incomplete digestive system consists of a digestive cavity with one opening which serves as both mouth and anus. Some invertebrates have a complex nervous system consisting of brain and several other sense organs.
-eukaryotic cells first seen
-stable continents
-first bacterial fossils
-Cambrian explosion
-oxygen builds up in atmosphere
Eukaryotic cells first seen
oxygen build up
stable continents
hepatitis B
sexually transmitted diseases quiz answers:
1. D
2. false
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. false
8. C
Outer Layer
Plate Boundary
The Mesosaurus fossils mainly observed in hard solid rock on two different plates of Earth’s surface such as the South American and African plates, where the outer covering is solid rock and divided into sections called plates. Word Bank are Mesosaurus fossils.
The Mesosaurus fossils are the extinct species of animal which include freshwater reptilian predator with similar characteristics to the modern-day crocodilians.
Thes fossils are the ancient animal among the first two were used to support the theory of continental drift, the fossils of Mesosaurus are found in central, south of western, and southwestern South America regions on one side, and south of central, and western half of southern Africa.
Learn more about Mesosaurus fossils, here:
Mesosaurus, (genus Mesosaurus), early aquatic relative of reptiles, found as fossils from the Early Permian Period (299 million to 271 million years ago) in South Africa and South America. Mesosaurus lived in freshwater lakes and ponds. Elongated and slim, it measured about 1 metre (3.3 feet) long.
Mesosaurus fossils are found today in rocks in southern Africa and eastern South America. Back in the Permian those two locations were jammed against each other as part of the southern half of Pangaea called Gondwana, so the living range of Mesosaurus did not span an entire ocean.
As we know our blood has four main components which are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. That is why a hemophiliac must receive regular injections of platelets to stay alive. This is done by injecting into their bloodstream human plasma which contains many proteins, glucose, clotting factors, electrolytes, hormones, and carbon dioxide.
I hope it helps, Regards.