Salt is placed on roads when it snows. why doesn't NY place salt on the icy roads?


Answer 1
Answer: NY put salt because,salt sometimes melts snow.

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The desire for reform often led to civil war in Latin American countries. What were some issues that led to civil war, according to the lesson? How did these conflicts begin?


Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:
(Students should address at least one to two historical examples of reasons for civil war.) 
The desire for education for all, more rights for those of native descent, land reform, and reduced power of the Catholic Church in government were all issues in Latin American civil wars.

Final answer:

Issues that led to civil war in Latin American countries included the desire for reform and the struggle for liberty. These conflicts often began with demonstrations and protests against the existing systems of power. External factors, such as support from other countries, also played a role.


Some of the issues that led to civil war in Latin American countries were desire for reform and the struggle for liberty. In many cases, the desire for reform was met with resistance from those in power, leading to conflict. For example, in the Mexican War of Independence, the movement evolved from demonstrations of discontent with the colonial regime to a provisional creole government. Similarly, the lack of popular support for the Latin American movements for independence forced the creole minority to negotiate their successes at each step.

These conflicts often began with demonstrations, protests, or revolutions against the existing political and social systems. The people who desired reform sought to address issues such as land reform, abolition of tributary labor, and control over tax revenue. However, these reforms were often resisted by those in power who wanted to maintain the status quo.

In some cases, external factors also played a role in the conflicts. For example, the United States supported resistance to the Sandinista government in Nicaragua after it opened diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and accepted its assistance. These external interventions contributed to an escalation of violence and human rights abuses in the region.

Learn more about civil wars in Latin America here:


Why do you think the pharaohs might have wanted to support the nobles?


The pharaohs wanted to build strong relationships with the nobles who could act as overseers for the country, since they realized they couldn't govern all the peasants, merchants, and artisans on their own.

What is the significance of pharaohs?

The pharaoh was seen as the divine mediator between the gods and the Egyptians, since he was the head of their religion. The pharaoh's duties as head of the religion included maintaining religious concord and taking part in ceremonies.

Pharaoh was the name of the ancient Egyptian tyrant. These were regarded as more than just kings. They served as a key conduit between the Egyptian people and their gods and were selected to guide the people and uphold order.

Therefore, the Pharaohs want to establish close ties with nobles who might serve as country overseers.

Learn more about the pharaohs, refer to:


the pharaohs not only wanted more power they knew that the noble (the wealthy and influential) will probably support them back. 
the pharaohs knew that they couldn't control all the peasant, merchants and craftsmen all by themselves so they tried to establish good relationship with the nobles who could at like overseers for the kingdom. 

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Ranks by freedom and how successful the country is in gold,oil recourses etc...
probally dictators because they're crul

Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?


The question is asking to states the power of the federal government under the Constitution, and base on my research and further investigation, I would say that the answer would be making treaties. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have questions and further clarifications 

Answer: Making treaties


CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!How has Greek culture influenced American culture???WRITE 3 REASONS HOW.


Greek culture affects the American culture today in many ways. First of all, some of the architectural designs used thousands of years ago are still useful, and commonly used in many important and famous American buildings today. Some examples would be the Lincoln Memorial, and the White House, which both use the Ancient Grecian columns to keep the building standing strong.

                               Hope this helps:)
The Greek culture influenced the American culture in many ways. For instance, the Greek letter pi, is one of our math symbols. Most of our alphabet has greek letters in it, and some of the American words are based off of their words/letters like the word "alphabet" is based off of the Greek letters Alpha (a) and Beta (b). The Olympics are also started by the Greeks. Most of our events such as the running races were started by them.